
Debating – CSDA Metropolitan Championships
Last Friday evening saw St Patrick’s perform exceptionally well at the CSDA Metropolitan Championships held at Christian Brothers’ High School Lewisham. I was very fortunate to watch our 8A team battle it out with the girls from Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Kensington. The standard of the debate was fantastic and both teams deserve to be acknowledged on how well they argued. In what proved to be a very close tussle, our boys were declared Champions. Congratulations are extended to the boys in the Year 8 team and their coach Ms Porter for having achieved such success. On behalf of the College community, I would like to extend them our best wishes as they now prepare for the CSDA State Championship Debate.
Special mention ought to go out to the members of our 11A and 9B teams who spoke so well but ultimately finished as Runners-up. These boys along with their coaches, Chris Faraj, Christian Bejjani and Mr Crino, should be very proud of their achievement in having reached the Final.
The strength and depth of our Debating Program was confirmed when St Patrick’s College were announced winners of both the Junior and Senior Aggregate CSDA Debating Shields. To win both shields on offer from a pool of 82 schools is simply outstanding.
Each and every member of the Debating fraternity should be extremely proud of this recognition, and I would like to thank both Mrs Lombardo and Mrs Burgess for their outstanding leadership of this activity. Well done to all.
Senior School Debating and Public Speaking Presentation Evening
Parents, carers and boys are reminded that the Debating and Public Speaking Presentation Evening will be held on Wednesday 16 August in the Robson Auditorium. Parents, carers and boys are asked to arrive by no later than 7:00 PM for a 7:15 PM start. Boys are to ensure that they wear their full College Winter uniform and have their school shoes polished. Attendance by students involved with this activity is mandatory.
The College kindly requests that there be no car park in Hydebrae Street (which runs at ninety degrees from Francis Street and the Senior Library) at any time. Its narrowness makes resident parking difficult and non-resident parking can present a safety risk by preventing access of emergency vehicles.
Performing Arts Showcase
Thursday 17 August will see students who take part in the College’s Band and Orchestral Programs perform in the Annual Showcase to be held at the Marie Bashir Public School, Albert Road Strathfield. The event is primarily in place to enable parents, carers and family members of the boys in the various ensembles to watch and listen to their performances. That said, there should still be ample room for members of the wider SPC community to go along and appreciate the talent on show. I am confident that the audience will be treated to wonderful performances and take this opportunity to wish Dr Taylor and the boys well.
Senior and Junior School Cultural Co-curricular Photos
Parents, carers are advised that their sons will be informed of the photo timetable for the College Cultural and Co-curricular activities via their homeroom noticeboards. Photos are presently scheduled to be taken in the Hall on Monday 21 August, after school.
I would kindly ask that parents/carers ensure that their son’s Winter uniform is clean and in good condition for the photos. Details relating to the purchasing of photos on-line will be forwarded to parents/carers via the Especean soon.
Steven Fochesato
Director of Co-curricular