
Last week, NAPLAN reports were mailed out via post and published on TASS Parent Lounge for our students in Years 5, 7 and 9.
Parents/carers will notice a change in the reports. Education ministers around Australia agreed to publish NAPLAN results using proficiency standards.
Students’ results will show how they performed in each of the NAPLAN assessment areas against four new proficiency levels:
- Exceeding: The student’s result exceeds expectations at the time of testing.
- Strong: The student’s result meets challenging but reasonable expectations at the time of testing.
- Developing: The student’s result indicates that they are working towards expectations at the time of testing.
- Needs additional support: The student’s result indicates that they are not achieving the learning outcomes expected at the time of testing. They are likely to need additional support to progress satisfactorily.
Our students performed very well in all three cohorts. A simple visual representation of the results for Years 5, 7 and 9 in Reading, Writing and Numeracy are included below:
Year 5
Year 7
Year 9
A Successful End to a Wonderful Debating Season!
The CSDA (Catholic Schools’ Debating Association) is the largest and oldest debating and public speaking competition in NSW. It was established over 50 years ago. Both the debating competition and the public speaking competition are open to all metropolitan Sydney Catholic high schools. In recent years they have branched into the Wollongong diocese as well.
The Grand Finals were held at our EREA brother school at Christian Brothers’ High School Lewisham last Friday night and we had three teams in the finals - Year 11, Year 9, and Year 8.
The Year 11 team (Luke Bromfield, Elijah Tan, Jeremy Simonetto and Christopher Gittani) were runners up to Santa Sabina College.
The Year 9 team (Oliver Avvenevole, Oscar Midolla, Christopher Mok, Heath Patterson, Denzel Tan and Lachlan Wodson) were runners up to Christian Brothers’ High School Lewisham.
The Year 8 team (Luca Franze, Joshua Lattanzi, Nicholas Morizzi, Luca Serratore and Nicholas Stojanovski) were winners against Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington.
We are so proud of all of our finalists, especially our Year 8 winners, because any disappointment is tempered by the knowledge that they are the last two teams in a competition that involved 62 schools! No mean feat.
The proudest moment for me was when St Patrick’s College, Strathfield won BOTH AGGREGATE SHIELDS! In both the Junior and Senior school divisions, we were the most successful school involved in the CSDA. My sincere thanks to all our students and coaches who participated.
I would encourage more students to try out for Debating in 2024. Research, reasoning, and even public speaking skills are just a few of the many benefits that come with learning to be a good debater. From planning your argument – even if it’s one you disagree with – to choosing your words with care, debating can prepare you to take on any challenge life may present to you.
Here are some ways that debating can benefit you:
Improved Critical Thinking Skills
Debating will help you develop critical thinking skills that are essential in daily life. Critical thinking is the ability to make well thought out and reasoned arguments while also questioning the evidence behind a particular conclusion or stance. It will help you become curious about new ideas while also maintaining scepticism, building a healthy attitude to questioning. It will even help you become more humble – you’re not going to be right all the time!
Improved Articulation
Planning and articulating your thoughts is an essential skill that every debater must have to produce a sharp and well-planned argument.
Improved Research Skills
Just as important is the method with which you construct your debate. Your arguments will need to be coherent, and they must make sense. Good debaters will keep all of these things in mind and the core elements that they have accumulated through education, i.e., finding and reading sources, drafting, and writing a speech, and being able to listen and confidently speak.
Challenge your opponent, think outside the box, and be prepared to identify any gaps in their counterarguments. Responding to comments and questions and thinking on your feet are essential debating skills, as hesitating could cost you precious time and points. Thinking quickly could prepare you for just about any situation that life presents to you when time is crucial, and a decision must be made fast.
Resolution of Conflict
A skilled debater will be able to remain focused on their goal and not stray from the topic or issue discussed. Like any orator worth their salt, you will need to remember who you want to keep on your side and present a personable argument. Doing so will make you appear immediately more likable and amenable. Accepting a loss with grace and taking accountability for your failings are essential skills, both in your daily life and in debating. They’ll also help you resolve any conflict before it can even begin, so be sure to accept any constructive criticism that comes your way.
Greater Empathy
You are not being asked to agree with the argument of the opposition, but empathy is a critical life skill nonetheless, as it helps you improve your interpersonal relations on a professional and personal level.
Emotional Control
Good debaters can also maintain an element of composure and poise, addressing the issue at hand rather than letting it carry them away. In fact, managing your emotions is not only a useful skill when it comes to debating but will earn you respect in almost all other aspects of your life.
Finding Meaning in Complex Situations
Practicing your debating skills will also allow you to form meanings from what are generally pretty complicated topics. From banning nuclear energy to world peace, you’ll be able to form a better argument if you take the time to research the topic and develop the points you want to make carefully. A critical skill for any good debater is to find solutions to previous problems and compile creative solutions and ideas. Making the best of a bad situation and thinking outside of the box will only be beneficial in the long run, allowing you to take on any challenge, no matter how challenging.
Presentation Skills
Your presentation also plays a vital role in how you are perceived as an individual by others and how you are perceived as competition. Speak slowly and with clear enunciation and consider what it is you are going to say.
A Broader View of the World
Debating can also help individuals develop a new view of the world around them. Debating has students studying topics that usually would not cross their minds, providing them with a deeper understanding of our society and the world we live in.
A broadened worldview will also encourage learners to appreciate their achievements and talents while also appreciating their upcoming opportunities.
Concluding Thoughts
Debating is an excellent school tool to encourage higher-order and critical thinking skills. It teaches students to structure and organise their thoughts while also developing their analytical and research skills. Take up the opportunity to participate in 2024.
Staff Changes
We welcome the following new staff who commenced with the College this week.
- Dilan Pais in the role of Secondary PDHPE Teacher
- Samantha Naidoo in the role of Secondary English teacher
- Emily Saoud in the role of Enrolments Officer
This week we also farewell Rachael Pope (McGlade Library Assistant) who finishes with the College on Friday 11 August.
Dr Vittoria Lavorato
SPC boys can do anything!
**except divide by zero