Foundation News 

100 Days of School!!

Preparations are underway to plan a special day to celebrate 100 days of school. Your child has participated in daily activities to count up to this special occasion. 


The 100th day of school is on Tuesday 8th August 2023


Teachers have planned special activities for the students throughout the day and we invite all parents/carers to visit our classes any time between 8.45am - 9.45am to join in some activities and share the celebration. At 9:15am all Foundation students will meet in the gym for a mini parade.


We will ensure we share lots of photos on SeeSaw for those families that cannot attend. 


We invite students to dress up as a 100 year old on this day. If students do not want to dress up, they are welcome to wear casual clothes. 


If you have any questions, please contact your classroom teacher. 


We look forward to celebrating such a special milestone!