Inclusion & Engagement 

Chaplaincy Program 


With the departure of our school chaplain, Laura, who has been a source of support to our students, we want to assure you that the school is fully committed to maintaining support for students.


As part of our commitment to the chaplaincy program, we are currently undertaking a process to find a suitable replacement. The process involves careful consideration to ensure that we select a chaplain who will continue to foster a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for everyone.


During this transition, our school and staff are available to help any student who needs assistance. We remain committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for everyone.


Teacher vs Students - Bin Ball Game

On Thursday 27th July, Jacob S, Levi W and Rory S were given the opportunity to organise and run a Teachers vs Students Bin Ball match.

The students team was represented by 2 students per class from the 3-6 cohort.

All MRPS children were invited to watch and cheer on the participants.

The students had a good first quarter taking a small lead but the teachers came back strong, creating a great game for all spectators.


The final score was…

Teachers 8 vs Students 5


Thanks to Miss Bigmore for helping us organise the game.

By Levi, Jacob & Rory