National Tree Day 

Across Australia, National Tree Day was held on Sunday 30th July.

To support this important initiative the school will be holding its own tree planting day activity on 

Friday 11th August

Students from all classrooms, including 4-year old kinder groups will have the opportunity to plant native trees and shrubs to support our native wildlife, provide shelter for students on our new oval and further beautify our new school grounds.

Parents, friends and family are encouraged to attend.

Time slotKinder GroupJunior Class Senior Class
9.30am D5S1
10.00am D4B4
10.30am M5S4
11.30am D3B1
12.30pm M4S3
1pm M1B5
(Monday 14th August – Red Kinder Group, 2.30pm)

Please bring along your gardening tools (e.g. shovel, hammer for stakes) and a pair gloves to help out on the day.  A kneeling mat may also be useful.  If you are unable to help out on the day, any donations of native plants would be greatly appreciated and can be left at the office.

Any further questions please contact Mrs Riddoch at the school.

We are very grateful for the support of the following: