Mabo House News

Dear Mabo Students and Families,
Firstly, I would like to welcome Mr Illangakoon as the Mabo Year 9 & 10 SLL whilst Miss Jean Pierre is off on holidays for a few weeks. Mr Illangakoon is so excited to be working with our students and families here in Mabo House.
It has been another fantastic term with many instances for our students to engage in new opportunities in and outside the classroom. Yesterday some of our students were off at Volleyball, coming second in their division. We had students from the Fantastic Beasts class head to the aquarium and a valuable session by Vic Police regarding consent and respectful relationships. A huge congratulations to our year 10,11 and 12 students who have been working hard on preparing and sitting their exams, we look forward to celebrating your achievements in the weeks to come. On Wednesday night we had the Parent Information Evening for new year 7 students. It was fantastic to see so many families attending and enjoying meeting staff and a school tour. Thank you to Mr Andrews for organising this.
In week 8 we begin our whole school “Commencement Program”. The commencement program is a fantastic opportunity for students of all year levels to get to know their new teachers and peers. It is crucial we begin the commencement program having high standards for behaviour, uniform, and learning. House Teams will be allowing requests for changes to subjects after the first week of the program to ensure your child has time to experience the subject before making their decisions. The subject change forms can be collected after week 1 in the House office and must be signed and returned to us as soon as possible. No subject changes will be done after week 2 of commencement and students are expected to catch up on work missed and complete a readiness task, along with holiday homework. With thorough course counselling in place at the college we are expecting minimal changes but are here to assist you if required please get in touch with your year level Student Learning Leader.
Mabo students have volunteered to assist with 16 Days of Activism.
“16 days of activism is a widely recognized global campaign that signifies action towards ending gendered based violence around the world. The 16 days campaign begins on the international day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (Nov 25) and ends on International Human rights day (10 Dec). The dates of the campaign were chosen to link violence against women and human rights “. We are looking forward to our students giving back to their community and supporting wellbeing to lead these events!
I would like to make mention of one student in Year 12 who has done an exceptional job in supporting students and staff in his role as HPE Leader and a huge effort over the last year in his role as Health and PE Leader and we would like to thank you for your work. Part of his role has been to coach our U14 girls and boys Rugby teams who are off next week to Broadmeadows to compete in the State finals, a big thank you to Kaiya, Jonathon, and Ma for their work in leading sessions at lunchtime training and attending on the day to support our team in mine and Mr Christiansen’s absence. We look forward to sharing the results with you.
Rehmatullah one of our year 10 students has been accepted as part of a VIC Police Pilot Program as a traineeship where he will be undertaking a Cert 111 in business admin and one day a week will be stationed in a paid position at a local Police station to begin his career in the field! We wish him the best of luck and are so proud he got selected! Another student we would like to recognise is Anshika who as part of her VET volunteering work, has been assisting our Library Staff and doing a fantastic job and we would congratulate her for her work in this space.The Mentor program has been full of fun activities over the last few weeks with a focus on building house pride and connectedness. In year 9, the Basketball competition has been running all term and we are eagerly awaiting the grand final in week 3 of commencement. In year 7 we have had numerous competitions led by Mr Hare, the latest being volleyball. The feedback form students has been very positive, and we look forward to increasing these opportunities in 2023.
A reminder to students that sign-up sheets for sports in Term 1 are on the window of G Block office -please go and have a look to see what interests you and be quick, we don’t want you to miss out!
The Mabo team would like to have a little fun and introduce our Newshamper House Challenge!If you are a student from any of the houses reading this, we have a special challenge for you this week. Your job is to come to Mr Illangakoon in Mabo House and say the word “Flugelhorn”. If you do this and you are in the first 10 students, you will get an on-the-spot prize!!!!
(PS the photo above is a flugelhorn)
I will also be having 2 weeks away from the college, so a reminder to please get in touch with your year level SLL, our wonderful House Admin Ashley or Mrs Belgrove our Assistant Principal in my absence if you have any questions or concerns.
On behalf of the Mabo team take care, good luck on commencement and we look forward to celebrating more of your achievements.
Warm Regards,
Erin Louden
Head of House
Key dates
Curriculum Day- 17th November
Holocaust Museum Excursion – Year 10 Only: Friday 2nd December
Commencement – Week 8, 9 & 10
Leadership Camp – 7th – 9th December
Lysterfield Lake Celebration Day (Year 7-19) – 12th December
Year 7 Orientation Day - 13th & 14th December
Values Nominations – House Cup
Please keep up the fantastic work and continue to remind your teachers to nominate you to earn points for Mabo. Our team would like to congratulate our students for demonstrating our college values in and outside the classroom.
Respect: 408
Learning: 3191
Working Together: 1396
Leadership: 177
Community: 102
That is a total of 5274 nominations since the beginning of the year!
As always on behalf of the Mabo team we look forward to working with you and your families in Term 4, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to get in contact with us so we can support you to be your best!
Warm Regards,
The Mabo House Team
Mabo Student of the Month:
Mabo Staff Member of the Month: