Hollows House News

Hello families and friends of Hollows House.
Term 4 is well underway and we are enjoying a calm and productive school learning environment. Now we just need the weather to remember that sunshine and warmth are appreciated as we experience a celebratory culmination of learning experiences, journeys, and pathways.
World Teachers Day
Last Friday was World Teachers Day, where across the world we pause from busy schedules to celebrate the amazing and impactful work our teachers do each and every day. Hampton Park SC is a great school because of the dedication, skill, and commitment of its teachers. Teachers play an essential role in our children's lives, and I am in awe and grateful of the difference they make each and every day. Congratulations and hats off to the teachers of Hampton Park Secondary College, particularly those in Hollows House, and others across Victoria.
Weather update:
As Melbourne continues to experience above average rainfall, the risk of flash flooding in our waterways has been amplified. It is timely that we remind students and young people of the dangers associated with playing in or around stormwater. As the weather is still quite temperamental, there will continue to be flash flooding and storms, so please consider this and remain safe during such times.
Year 12 exams:
The Year 12 students have been working through their scheduled exams, showing tremendous attendance and dedication to their studies. It has been pleasing to see the many smiling faces appear out of their subject exams, or what is perhaps a sigh of relief that they’ve made it through. Congratulations to you all, as we now begin to move towards valedictory.
Year 11 exams
Over the course of this week, all year 11 students have been completing their end of year exams across all of their subjects. It has been pleasing to see so many students treating this process with such maturity and care, so that they can achieve the best possible results.
Year 10 exams
Well done to all of the Year 10 students who successfully completed their exams on Monday and Tuesday this week. A special shout out to those in Year 10, who were able to sit their Year 11 ½ exams during the last week. You have made us in Hollows very proud, as you have tried your best and made yourselves familiar with the exam process by simply participating.
Music concert
There is an Instrumental Music Concert on Friday the 25th of November. We would love to see as many of you there to support your friends and other students who learn an instrument here at the school. It will begin at 6pm in the RPAC.
Values nominations:
Congratulations to our top scorers in each Values category for this term!
ALIMI, Tamana | 12E |
BARNARD, Austin | 07F |
CHENG, Eric | 07E |
TRAVICA, Petar | 07F |
LOKENI, Tagiilima | 07E |
DINEK, Mishel | 07F |
HAIDARI, Ali | 07E |
HAVILITAMA, Voydieth | 07F |
SINGH, Sahib | 08E |
Working Together:
LOKENI, Toefiliga | 10E |
BONDICE, Bea Rose | 10E |
MAC, Amy | 08F |
CU, Nicky | 08F |
FALEFITU, Grace Molly | 10E |
AL-HAMIDEH, Abu-Alfedhil | 07F |
NEDIC, Stefan | 07F |
HANA, Yousif | 09E |
PUK, Aaron | 10F |
TUSI-DALTON, Kitana | 08F |
VELLA, Seth | 08E |
NGATOKO, Jordon | 08E |
RANDLES, Spencer | 10F |
VELLA, Seth | 08E |
SAFDARI, Moshtaba | 10E |
DEAN, Summer | 08E |
HASSANI, Ali | 12F |
VITALE, Akasha | 08E |
Parent information evening:
On Wednesday the 9th of November, we held our parent information evening for our 2023 students and families. On the night, our VET- Kitchen Operations students catered for all guests and staff, which we wish to publicly thank them for. Parents and students were taken on a tour of the College, showcasing the 4 House areas and provided with further information to support their transition into our school.
Feedback week next week
This week, being week 7 (Monday 14th- Friday 18th), we have feedback week, where your teachers will create opportunities to conference with you and provide feedback on areas for growth. On Thursday the 17th there will be no scheduled classes.
Locker reminders- clean them out!
With commencement about to begin next week (Week 8), we strongly encourage you all to start to clean out your lockers and reset your stationery and items for the new academic year. Many lockers are looking quite dishevelled and in need of urgent attention. As we start to move towards 2023, you will know which new items you will need to purchase and replenish.
Could YOU be a Learning Disposition Activity Leader?
At the start of the year, you all participated in 3 Learning Disposition sessions on the first day of school with your mentor group. Now is your chance to be a part of running these sessions! If you enjoyed these sessions, I encourage you to reach out to be involved in delivering one session to the year level below you. Message Miss Newton on Teams to be added to the Tuesday lunchtime information session to find out more!