Community Resources and Events

Melbourne Pasifika Festival & Charity Walk
The Melbourne Pasifika Festival is an annual celebration of Pasifika Culture. The festival and charity walk are organised by the WFWP Australia, in partnership with Pacific Community organisations and leaders.
On Saturday 3rd December, The Pasifika Festival gives the people of Melbourne a day to enjoy Pasifika Culture through traditional food stalls, arts and crafts, children's activities, traditional and modern dance performances, live bands and more!
Register for the charity walk or check out the full day program, list of stalls, entertainers and more here:
Festival Location: Yarraville Gardens153 Hyde Street, Yarraville
(7 min. walk from Yarraville train station)
Young Achievers Program 2023
A Workshop and Mentor Program for Young People in Years 10, 11 and 12.
The Young Achievers Program (YAP) provides support for students who excel in an academic, sporting or artistic field but who may not reach their full potential due to limited adult professional networks. Young people in the program are matched to a mentor who works in their field of interest in order to gain an insight into the field. The mentor will also provide support and friendship to the young person as they navigate the latter years of high school. The young person and mentor are ‘matched’ for a minimum of 12 months within which they will catch up every 2-4 weeks, participating in career based and interest-based activities, which might include visiting the mentor's workplace, attending networking events, attending lectures, talks and seminars.
You can apply for the Young Achievers Program by filling out the form below.
Submit application by November 4th 2022 to:
Kate Worth
Online Safety for Families
All parents want their children to be safe when learning and playing online.
These easy-to-read advice sheets will give you the confidence to talk with your children about online safety. They include tips to help them stay safe, and important information about what to do if something bad does happen online. You can also watch a video here: Getting help when your child is being bullied online.
Swim Jobs Victoria; Be The Difference!
Swim Jobs Victoria; Make your move into the aquatic industry and be part of something great! Read the fact sheet for more information on becoming a swim instructor:
Looking for a job? South East Community Links (SECL) can help!
Lead For Change
Do you want to play a role in ending gender-based violence in your community? Get started with our free 2 hour course.
Gender-based violence is a complex issue, but we want to empower you contribute to the solution. Whether that’s for your role in a community group, such as a sport or recreation club, social group or interest group, or just because you want to make your community a better place, this course is for you.
Learn about the drivers and impact of gender-based violence and some steps you can take within your community to prevent it.
Please reserve your place at this event by calling 1800 577 548 or booking online at
Melbourne Youth Chorale
Watercolour Classes for Beginners