Prep-2 Sector 



In our writing, we have continued with Procedural texts. Procedural texts help people know how to do something. We have been writing procedures on how to brush our teeth and how to get ready for school. When we write we always make sure we use a capital letter, finger spaces, a sentence stopper and we make sure our sentence makes sense. 


During our maths lessons we have been learning about money and sharing through hands on activities. We played money memory game. It was lots of fun. 


We had a great time doing an activity with our Year 6 buddies. We had to draw each other’s portraits and then write words describing our buddy.

Perseverance and persistence with challenges during Play Based Lessons. The students did not give up and showed our school value of Resilience.






The Prep Team

Year 1

Last week the year 1 students participated in Year 1 Stay Late.  We enjoyed a fruit snack, followed by a magic show.  The magic show was lots of fun and kept us all  captivated.  We saw coins appearing and disappearing, magic cards, amazing wands and other super tricks. For dinner, everyone loved their pizza- Hawaiian topping being the favourite.


Before we went home, we played a large game of dodgeball. This was a great way to start continue our camping program.

'You can if you think you can'

The Year 1 Teachers

Year 2

In Reading this term, we have been reading different types of texts such as informative, imaginative, and persuasive. We have been answering questions about these texts as well as using our knowledge of different comprehension strategies such as predicting and making connections to understand more about a text.


We are continuing our grammar work to help us to become better readers and writers as well.

In Writing we have been learning to write procedural text. It has been fun to think about all the steps needed to do things like ride a bike or make a jam sandwich and then to notice which steps we left out!

We have been working on measurement in maths, concentrating on length area and mass and capacity. It has been interesting to work together to measure many different things.

In Play Based Learning we are looking at the things we need to do or must do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We have participated in activities such as drawing our own healthy dinner, looking through supermarket catalogues to find the healthiest choices, doing yoga and creating an obstacle course to promote exercising. 

Yr 2 Team