Alumni at Koonung

It’s a big couple of weeks for our Class of 2022 as they sit their final exams. We wish them the absolute best in the journey that lies ahead for them.
Last Wednesday night at their Valedictory Dinner, each student was presented with their Graduation Certificate and an accompanying invitation to join Koonung’s Alumni Program. Exciting! We know it’s the pointy end of the year for them, however already a number of Class of 2022 students have joined the Alumni Program since last Wednesday. The Alumni Program will provide opportunities for our Class of 2022 to:
- NETWORK - Connect with former Koonung students and kickstart your career!
- CONNECT - Stay connected to the school community in a meaningful way. Be part of a growing network of former students.
- MOTIVATE AND INSPIRE - Your post school experiences are invaluable intel and can inspire current students to think outside of the box.
- PARTICIPATE - Come back and share your experiences by participating in single subject classes or bigger career pathways sessions.
Let’s take a look at what some of our older Alumni have answered when asked the question ‘What is something you wish you had done more of Year 12?
- I wish I worried less about the 'what comes next?' and slowed down a little to enjoy my final year at school.
- Studied more.
- There’s not a lot I would change! High school is full of awkward moments and missteps, but they all helped me figure out where I wanted to be.
- I wish I asked teachers for advice more and wish I did less overthinking.
- I wish I had spent more time utilising the support from my teachers. I wish I had spent less time wanting to rush through school and get into the 'real world'.
- I think I had a pretty good balance between study and social life in Year 12. I probably could have been a bit more organised.
- Utilise the resources I had access to and ask for more help / guidance.
Koonung Secondary College’s Alumni Program is being developed in partnership with Ourschool,, a not-for-profit service that helps government secondary schools build a thriving alumni network to benefit current students and the school community. For more information about Koonung Secondary College’s alumni program please visit here.
If you completed Year 12 at Koonung Secondary College prior to 2022 and would like to join the Alumni Program, please complete the registration form HERE or email your name, year you completed Year 12, contact number and email address to our Alumni Program Coordinator, Nancy Manders,
- LinkedIn Alumni Facebook Page -
- LinkedIn Private Koonung Alumni Group -
Kind regards
Nancy Manders
Alumni Program Coordinator
Days of work - Thursday, Friday
LinkedIn - Alumni LinkedIn Group
Facebook - Alumni Facebook Page
Email –