Latest update: Koonung PFA Oval Transformation Project

Direct Donations via TryBooking: $5,600
Profit from Mango Fundraiser: $1,300
Target: $50,000
Shade Sail Grant funding: $25,000
Thank you for all of your donations through TryBooking.
Things are moving fast! The playing field will be getting a makeover during the summer holidays: the irrigation will be fixed, which means we can keep the grass growing all year, and sand will be spread across the whole field to create level ground. Once the grass seeds take hold, there'll be lush grass for the new year ahead.
We're also working with an external landscaper to have the proposed layout plans ready to show the school executive team in a few short weeks, and once they're approved, we'll share them with the whole school community.
Speaking of community - we really need a few more parents to join us as we move from ideas to real plans. Can you offer one hour or so once a month to come to an evening meeting and help move things along? We need extra help!
Remember, we are still asking you to register your business to our PFA parent list, so we can source materials at a competitive price from within our own community. You can offer your time, goods or services via this link
Direct contributions can still be made via the Trybooking link:
We'll keep you posted on more changes coming soon.
PFA Oval Transformation Project Team