Executive Team Report

I begin this edition’s report by wishing every one of our Year 12 students the very best of luck for their exams. They started last Wednesday with the marathon 3.25 hour English/EAL paper. This group has shown immense resilience and fortitude, having completed much of their senior schooling online, at home. It is a credit to them and their coordinator, Stephanie Grant, to see what a cohesive, supportive and positive cohort they have been.
Their last day began with a sumptuous breakfast for parents, students and staff in the senior centre, where the Koonung tradition of opening Year 7 time capsules continued. Much hilarity ensued, as well as heartfelt farewells. We then moved to the hall for a whole school farewell to the class of 2022 and an opportunity to introduce four of the 2023 student leaders: College Captains Keira Singleton and Rory Spicer, and Vice Captains Mary Elyas and Christopher Allison. 2022 Vice Captains: Jamie Clegg and Max Dooley shared memories of their time at Koonung during their final address to the school community.
It was a pleasure for the staff to be able to celebrate their valedictory with them and their families on Wednesday evening at the opulent Ivanhoe Centre. Ably organised by Zaiga Bendrups and Allira Howe, the charming art deco centre was the perfect place to celebrate the final year of their time at Koonung. Students looked suitably stunning in their formal finery, and socialised and danced the night away. Marianne Lee presented the academic dux awards and gave a moving speech reflecting on her first year at Koonung, when these very students were fresh-faced Year 7s and the journey that she has shared with them over the ensuing six years. Our departing College Captains, Chloe Pedlar and Dheklan Pitaliadda, were afforded the opportunity to address their parents, peers and the large number of staff who joined us on the night to celebrate.
In other exciting news, last Tuesday local MP Paul Hamer and the Victorian Minister for Education, Natalie Hutchins, visited the college and spoke to our Year 8 students in the new auditorium. We were thrilled when they announced that a re-elected Andrew’s Government have pledged a further 8.9 million dollars, which will enable us to complete the first stage of the masterplan, connecting the new building to the current theatre. If elected, the liberal party has also pledged the same amount towards completion of the building. The VSBA released the plans for the administration section of the new building to tender last Thursday so work will commence on the fit out of this section of the current building at the start of next year.
I wish to extend a very big thank you to our amazing PFA who hosted a delicious morning tea for all Koonung staff to acknowledge and celebrate World Teachers' Day. We are very blessed at Koonung to have a very active and supportive PFA and are immensely grateful for their tireless work to create a wonderful community.
I conclude by wishing all of our Year 12 students the very best in their upcoming examinations, know that we believe in you.
Mary Eade
Assistant Principal