Parents and Friends Association

Join the PFA WhatsApp Announcement Group
Join the new Koonung PFA WhatsApp news group to receive short reminders for meetings, ways to volunteer and updates on PFA events. Only the PFA can send messages by this channel, so don’t worry, you won’t receive everyone else’s responses to the messages.
Latest update: Koonung PFA Oval Transformation Project
Direct Donations via TryBooking: $5,600
Profit from Mango Fundraiser: $1,300
Target: $50,000
Shade Sail Grant funding: $25,000
Thank you for all of your donations through TryBooking.
Things are moving fast! The playing field will be getting a makeover during the summer holidays: the irrigation will be fixed, which means we can keep the grass growing all year, and sand will be spread across the whole field to create level ground. Once the grass seeds take hold, there'll be lush grass for the new year ahead.
We're also working with an external landscaper to have the proposed layout plans ready to show the school executive team in a few short weeks, and once they're approved, we'll share them with the whole school community.
Speaking of community - we really need a few more parents to join us as we move from ideas to real plans. Can you offer one hour or so once a month to come to an evening meeting and help move things along? We need extra help!
Remember, we are still asking you to register your business to our PFA parent list, so we can source materials at a competitive price from within our own community. You can offer your time, goods or services via this link
Direct contributions can still be made via the Trybooking link:
We'll keep you posted on more changes coming soon.
PFA Oval Transformation Project Team
World Teachers’ Day
We’re so grateful to our Koonung teachers and education support staff! Last Friday 28 October, we thanked the school team with a morning tea of freshly baked scones, pastries and fruit, “lucky door prizes” with donations from local businesses and a photo booth. A big thanks to Andy Bee and his team.
Andy Bee
Coordinator, World Teachers' Day morning tea
Second Hand Book Sale - Saturday 3 December
Make sure you put the date in your diary! This is an opportunity to sell and buy your school text books. Parents keep most of the the sale price and a smaller amount goes to the PFA to help fund resources for our kids. We both win! In the last year these funds have contributed to the $17 000 that the PFA has used to enhance the school environment. This included equipment for the Physics, Food Tech and Arts departments, library, student leadership and Year 12 celebrations. Don’t sell on Facebook, sell with us and support the school community. The more books we have the better the day. Helpers will be needed in the weeks before. Look out for Compass newsfeeds in November about how to help, and how to sell and buy your books.
Volunteers needed for the Second Hand Uniform Shop
May-Na and Sophia need more helpers for the uniform shop! This is a great service to the school community, it raises funds for the PFA to support the school, and returns money to parents. The shop is open on Fridays 1:15-3:30pm. Come and volunteer for 30 minutes! Meet other parents, enjoy good company, feel good by volunteering. Help will also be needed on Saturday 3rd December.
Contact May-Na via
New Leadership
Each February, a new team is formed to lead the PFA. Next year, the PFA will need a new president. Below are descriptions of the main roles. Most of these roles require on average less than an hour a week. The school is so supportive of the work of the PFA, that these roles are easy and fun! No experience required, just a willing spirit.
PFA President
- Run the PFA meetings, review minutes
- Be the point of liaison between PFA and Koonung for requests and enquiries
- Ensure the PFA events have volunteer teams to support them
- Represent PFA as required at events e.g. School Council, Information Night, etc
- Be a point of contact and support for any information regarding PFA events
- Facilitate the funding process of teachers requests for assistance
- Write the end of Year PFA report
PFA Vice President
- Assist the PFA president with the activities and meetings
- Works with the PFA President in the planning and co-ordination of PFA events
- Runs the PFA meetings (when the PFA President in not present)
- Be a point of contact and support for any information regarding PFA events
- Represent PFA as required at events e.g. School Council, Information Night, etc
PFA Secretary
- Main role is to record the minutes of every PFA meeting
- Record all the attendance and apologies
- Document all correspondence received
- Email the minutes to the PFA group
- Assist the President with correspondence required
PFA Treasurer
- Liaises with Koonung Business Manager as needed to manage the PFA accounts (the PFA account is a sub account of the school accounts; the PFA has no direct access or control of the funds)
- Prepare the PFA accounts, using Excel spreadsheets, before each PFA meeting
- Must be able to use Excel and be good with numbers
- Present a summary of income and expenditure at each meeting (Treasurer’s Report)
- Prepare annual budget for PFA activities and calculate amount of funds available to KSC for PFA funded purchases
Next and last PFA Meeting for this year will be Monday 7 November, 7:30pm Building A. We hope you will join us!
Andrew Gifford
PFA President
President: Andrew Gifford (parent of student in Year 10)
Vice President: Martina Johnson (parent of students in Year 8 and 10)
Secretary: Belinda Herrington (parent of student in Year 8)
Treasurer: Johan Cameron (parent of student in Year 10)
PFA contact details: