
Cover image: The Wind and Brass Ensembles Concert during Term 3

Morris Music Events

By Estelle Levy, Morris Music Teacher

Term 3 has been a particularly busy time for Friends' Morris Music Students! We have celebrated a wide variety of music events, including our annual Friends' Marimba Concert, The Morris Gala Concert and The Wind and Brass Ensembles Concert. It is wonderful to see so many family and friends filling the audience. 


Some key music events for Term 4 include:


Morris Soiree on Wednesday 23 November 

A selection of Morris instrumental and vocal students


Australian National Choral Association Workshop and Concert on Sunday 27 November

Year 7-12 choirs


Visiting New Zealand Youth Choir on Monday 28 November 

Farrall Centre Concert 2.15pm

Morris students

Workshop 4.00pm - 5.30pm

Years 7-12 choirs


End of Year Gathering on Wednesday 7 December

Years 4-12 choirs and small string group 


Final Morris Assembly - Morris Singalong 

on Monday 12 December, 2.15pm