Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator

Andy McNeilly



“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” Dalai Lama.


Dear Families, 


This term we have a strong focus on the five elements of Relationship based Education; Compassion, Trust, Integrity, Hope and Forgiveness. For the first two weeks, the focus will be on Compassion. The next two weeks will be Trust, and so forth. 


Compassionate people may see the suffering of others and want to help them in some way. The word comes from the Latin ‘compassio’, which means to suffer together. Compassion, or kindness, is such a wonderful thing as it brings happiness to us and others also. Kindness makes the world a better place.



This week, I challenge everyone in your family to complete a ‘Random Act of Kindness’ to someone. Talk together about what you did, and what you noticed. 



“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” Lao Tzu



Dad’s Workshop


On Wednesday 26th October at 7.30pm, I’ll be running a parent workshop tailored for Dads. Rich Bolus, from the Dad Mindset Podcast will be my special guest and we’ll have an informal hour chatting about the challenges and successes of fatherhood. 

Bookings will be open in a week or two.

Click here to listen to some of The Dad Mindset podcasts.


Enjoy being kind to others this week. 


Andy McNeilly

Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator