Scotsburn News

Important Dates
2023 Prep Transition Mornings | Wednesday October 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th |
Prep - 2 Sports Day (Buninyong Campus) | Tuesday 11th October |
SC3 Halls Gap Camp | Wednesday 12th - Friday 14th October |
Prep - 2 Sleep Over | Thursday 20th - Friday 21st October |
Artlink Excursion - Whole Campus | Tuesday 25th October |
SC3 Sovereign Hill | Thursday 27th and Friday 28th October |
Student Free Day - Melbourne Cup | Tuesday 1st November |
Japanese Day | Friday 4th November |
Scotsburn Swimming Lessons | 14th - 18th November |
Energy Breakthrough | 17th - 18th November |
Student Free Day | Monday 21st November |
Scotsburn End of Year Pool Day | Wednesday 14th December |
Grade 6 Graduation | Monday 19th December |
Last Day of Term 4 | Tuesday 20th December |
Welcome Back and Term 3 Recap
Welcome to Term 4 everyone in the Scotsburn community. We hope that everyone was able to enjoy a restful break and a little bit of sunshine at the end of the holidays. We have a busy and exciting term ahead, with lots of amazing learning experiences planned around the campus - we can’t wait!
Below is a celebration of all the wonderful opportunities students participated in during Term 3. This was sent out via Compass as well on the last day of term.
Scotsburn Celebration of Learning
Thank you to all families who participated in the Celebration of Learning evening in the last week of Term 3. We had an amazing turn out, with the BBQ flowing non-stop all night. It was so wonderful to see students taking a lead role on the night, navigating their parents through the different learning spaces with their “Learning Passport”. Students were able to verbalise their learning and future goals in an interactive way, which was a great highlight of the night. The Scotsburn Glow Garden was also a hit - a huge thank you must be given to Liz for all of her hard work with this!
If you have any feedback about the event, including suggestions about how we could continue to improve it in future years, please contact any of the Scotsburn staff. As you know, we really value the feedback from our parent community, and we are always looking at ways to enhance and improve the events and activities that we undertake.
Author Study
This week, students will be participating in another Author Study. Aaron Blabey will be our Author in focus. We aim to promote a school-wide positive reading culture for students to feel enthusiastic and engaged in reading and responding to text. The purpose of an Author Study is to build passion and knowledge for literature. Throughout the week, students will be provided with the opportunity to delve deeply into the author’s life and many of their books. Students are given the opportunity to critically evaluate the author's themes, character and writing style as well as making connections to their own life experiences. We look forward to sharing with you next week lots of the fun and exciting learning that took place during the week.
Community Bank Buninyong Grant Approval
As mentioned in Bernie’s Principal Report, last week we received the great news that our application to the Community Bank Buninyong to have the kitchen in the old building upgraded was successful, which is fantastic. Community Bank Buninyong will provide $21,000 towards the project, which will enable us to create a space that is suited to having groups of students and adults prepare food. This upgrade will allow us to build greatly on our sustainable cooking programs at the campus, as well provide a much improved community space. The timeline for this project is within the coming 6 months.
This is the latest in a long line of grants provided by Community Bank Buninyong over the past decade and we are very grateful. Again, thank you to the Community Bank Buninyong for the amazing support provided to the Scotsburn Campus.
A reminder that term four is a mandatory hat term. We will give students a couple of days grace, but as of Wednesday, children not wearing hats in the yard, will need to sit in the shade.
Thank you
A huge thank you to the Damaskinos, Binedell, Coleman and McLean families who helped staff to look after the chickens these holidays. Your help was greatly appreciated and I hope that you enjoyed some yummy eggs in return.
Prep - 2 Sports Day
For the first time back since 2019, the Prep - 2 Sports day will be held on Tuesday 11th October. This includes SC2 Grade Twos. Students in Prep will participate between 9:30am - 10:50am and Grades One and Two, will be between 11:40am - 1:00pm. Running, jumping and throwing events will be take place in a fun and encouraging environment. Students are encouraged to wear their house colours. These can be found on Compass by clicking on your child’s Profile and then looking beside your child’s photo. Please see below for example. Groups:, indicate your child’s house colour. Parents are welcome to attend. If you have any questions, please see Ana.
IMPORTANT - Students will start and finish the day at Buninyong. Please meet Ana in the courtyard at 8:45am. Collection will be again be from the courtyard at 3:25pm.
Prep - 2 Sleep Over
Exciting times… after many years, the Scotsburn Prep - Two sleepover will be taking place on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st October. Please keep an eye on the newsletter and Compass next week for additional information on the running of the sleepover and what students will be required to bring along. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ana.
Enrolments for 2023
We are still accepting enrolments for 2023. If you have a child, or know of someone who has a child to enrol in Prep for 2023, please see Ana for an enrolment form, go to the office at Buninyong or access an enrolment form via our school website. Please see Ana if you require further information.
Transition Mornings
2023 Preps will start participating in transition mornings starting this week. This is an exciting time for children to begin to transition to school in a supporting and successful manner.
Dates: Wednesday - October 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th between 9:15am and 11:00am
SC1 Learning Snapshot
I hope everyone had a lovely break with their families. As you can see from above, SC1 has a very busy and exciting Term 4! Please make sure you continue to read the newsletter weekly and keep an eye on Compass for all vital information on upcoming events.
We will have a big focus again this term on our Home Reading and Sight Words. As the year comes to an end, it is important that we continue with good routines and structures. Reading with your child at home will help your child in all learning areas of school. Talk with your child about the books they home, read together and make reading an enjoyable, shared activity. Listen to your child read every day, even for a short time. Before reading, talk about the cover, the title, the pictures, and discuss what the book may be about. During reading, discuss what has been read up to that point, and predict what will happen next. After reading is finished, talk and ask questions about the story and the pictures. Our reading goal for Term 4 will be 35 nights!
Our Inquiry this term is ‘In Our Community’. During this unit, students identify people and groups within the community that keep them safe and assist in keeping our community safe. Students can name protective behaviours that keep them safe and how we can ask for help in a range of ways.
As always, please come in and see me if you have any questions.
SC2 Learning Snapshot
I hope everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing break and that you were able to spend some quality family time together. We are infor another busy and exciting term.
This term’s inquiry focus looks at celebrations around the world. Students will investigate different cultures, festivals and celebrations then have the opportunity to discuss and compare them to Australian festivals and celebrations. This will end with students selecting a celebration or festival to develop in depth and we will have our own celebration with students cooking a special dish from their chosen country.
As the year comes to an end, it is important that we continue with good routines and structures. Reading with your child at home will help your child in all learning areas of school. Please continue to read nightly with your child/ren and to talk with them about the books that they are reading as this helps your child to think critically about what they have read, which in turn helps them to develop a love of books and to become lifelong learners. Homework will also be sent home each Friday, leaving students until the following Thursday to complete and return it.
Thank you for your ongoing support with your child/ren and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or queries.
SC3 Learning Snapshot
Welcome to Term 4 SC3! This time of year is always busy, however it is particularly busy for our Grade 5 and 6 students. We have lots of fun-filled events and experiences coming up as well as some exciting learning adventures in the classroom! SC3's inquiry focus this term is “Our Developing Nation”. We will be exploring how Australia has developed as a country over time, as well as learning about and acknowledging important events and people in our nation’s past. Our Sovereign Hill immersion experience in Week 4 will play a big part in this learning - more to come on that next week!
As we know, our Halls Gap camp is only just over 1 week away! We will be heading off from Buninyong next Wednesday morning and returning on Friday, after 3 days of high energy adventures. This week we are spending some time in class discussing the camp, as well as going through what needs to be prepared in the lead up. There is a camp information sheet on compass under the Evens tab with everything that you need to know, however I will also print off a hard copy for students to take home later in the week. SHould you have any questions or concerns regarding camp, please come and see me this week. We can’t wait to hit the road!!!
Have a great week everyone,
Staff Contacts
Mr Morgan:
Mrs Eddy:
Mrs Anderson:
Mrs Morgan:
Mrs Micallef:
The Scotsburn Team