Careers Corner

Good Advice for School Leavers
(Adapted from My Career Match)
With the end of the school year fast approaching, I thought I’d pass on some quality information in regard to leaving school and commencing work. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish our Year 12 students good luck with their future endeavours. Remember, there are pathways to most things these days, explore these and good luck.
- If you’re starting a new job, learn all about your employer’s business, their products, systems, competitors, how it generates revenue, what people say about the company. In other words, know all about who you work for.
- Once you settle into your job, volunteer, put up your hand to help out, work late, come in early. Offer your support over and above what you were employed to do.
- Be aware. It’s important to be aware of what’s going on. Don’t ignore the news here or overseas, or what’s happening to the economy, housing and employment. Too many young people are clueless. Don’t be like them, be aware of what’s going on around you, it’s not just about you and your friends, it’s about your world and how it will impact your future.
- When we ask adults, if they could start over again, would they be doing the same job as they’re in now, 75% said they would not. Matching what you’re good, what inspires you is what matters.
- Learn about managing money. This is important; ask questions, take advice, find a mentor whom you can discuss things financial with. Don’t be embarrassed if you don’t know, ask, you'll be surprised how much you'll learn.
- Leaving school will change your life. For the past 12 years you have been following rules, wearing a unform, listening to teachers, learning, sitting exams. Your life has been totally organised for you. Now that’s over and it’s up to you to define who you are and who you will be. Don’t waste this wonderful opportunity to be a giver not a taker.
- For some, the transition from school to work or further study will be stressful. For people change can be difficult. Be aware of any changes, how you feel or your health. Seek counselling or medical advice. Have conversations with family and older people and ask them of their experiences. Learning from others will help build your confidence.
My Career Portfolio
My Career Portfolio is a state government initiative, aimed at helping students with resources to help them with their career goals and aspirations. Students from Yrs 7-10 have used this website during the year, in conjunction with their career education classes. Students can develop a Career Action Plan (the majority of students have done this), keep records, find out about the World of Work and so on. Each year students update their Career Action Plan and have the opportunity to further explore career-related information. If you get the time, ask your child to share this with you.
Beyond School Webinar Series
This is an important time for students and Mas National have arranged a series of webinars with industry experts on the career options that are available to school leavers.
Click on this link or the image to find out more.
Defence Careers - Air Force Careers Virtual Information Session - Monday 31st October
Take off with a career in the Australian Air Force. Join the upcoming virtual info session to learn more about Air Force careers in aviation, combat and security, healthcare, trades, cyber and support- and much more.
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Online
Details and Registration: Click here
Strategies to Build Enterprise Skills
‘Enterprise Skills’ is a term spoken about frequently in relation to employment. These skills are important as they help a person identify a range of opportunities when looking at their career. Enterprise skills are transferrable skills a person can take with them from job-to-job and include things such as decision making, problem solving, prioritising, working independently, communication, to name a few. How can a young person develop these skills?
Work experience
You can't go wrong with work experience. You'll find out one of two things: you will love it or hate it. Either way is crucial information to find out before you commit yourself to a career path. Work experience will also help you to prove your enterprise skills on your resume, or even that personal statement you might need to write in the near future.
All Year 10 students complete a week of work experience during Term 2. VCE VM students complete a Structured Work Placement (similar to work experience however, one day per week for the entire year) to enable them to develop these skills.
Casual jobs
I can’t stress enough the importance of a young person holding a casual/part-time position while they are at school. Young people must start their working life somewhere and it is usually in the form of casual opportunities after school or on weekends. They often lack on-the-job experience and need to utilise natural traits to attain entry level positions or their first job. It is common in this instance for an employer to request a work trial to see if the person is a good fit for the business, willing to listen and willing to learn. It is from here that your enterprise skills will develop.
Lending your time as a volunteer creates many benefits to yourself and the community. Including volunteering in your resume will put you ahead of 70% of the other candidates who don’t have volunteering experience (Deloitte, 2016). Volunteering is fun, easy, and you can choose something that interests you. It shows you have initiative, adaptability, and determination to succeed. It provides you with a new set of skills and experience in a workplace, something the majority of employers want a candidate to have.
Key VTAC Dates
I would like to remind students and families of the following important 2022/2023 VTAC calendar dates:
- ATAR and VCE results released – 7am, Monday 12th December. Click here to register to access results
- Change of preference deadline for December round offers – 4pm, Wednesday 14th December
- December round offers released – Wednesday 21st December
- January 2023 offers released – Friday 13th January
There are 5 offer rounds, however students are reminded to ALWAYS accept their first offer as there is no guarantee that they will receive any further offers. It is much easier to withdraw from an offer that has been accepted than let it lapse and then be faced with no offer at all.
Resources for Year 12s
Life After School Guide - School Leavers Information Kit
Click here to read: Your Career What's Next For You?
Government assistance for financing tertiary study -
Splash's Are Hiring Swim Teachers