Miss Zach, Miss Papa, Miss Strickland, Mrs Herres and Mrs Beamish.
Upcoming Learning
Welcome to Term 4! This Term, we have welcomed Miss Strickland as the teacher of 1C.
During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in following areas:
Week 2- 'Stuck!' Using this mentor text to focus on inferring and predicting.
Week 3- 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Rescue' Using this mentor text to focus on inferring and predicting.
Week 2- Narrative writing. The beginning includes a 'sizzling start' and introduces the character ad setting in detail. The middle has an interesting problem and we solve the problem in the end.
Week 3- Narrative writing continued.
Week 2- Fractions, focusing on halves and quarters. -Capacity.
Week 3- Counting forwards, backwards and from different starting points. - Telling time to the hour and half hour.
Week 2- Earth Science! 'Looking up, down and all around.' Exploring our school yard and surroundings, focusing on changes.
Week 3- Shadows, focusing on how our shadows change with the position of the sun.
Social & emotional learning
Week 2- To set new personal goals for Term 4.
Week 3- 'Labels are for jars, not people.'
News and Reminders
-Crazy hair day on Friday the 21st of October. If students could please bring along a gold coin donation, as we are raising money for Cystic Fibrosis. There will be prizes for the 'craziest' hair!’
-Students are required to wear hats in Term 4. Please make sure your child's hat is clearly labelled.
-Thursday 3rd November- Excursion!! Year 1's are heading to The Big Goose Farm! This is now available on Compass with a payment that is required by the 1st of November. If you have any questions, please ask your classroom teacher.