2022 Calendar - Term 4


Sun 23

Parent Drinks at Woodend RSL- Cancelled

Wed 26

Casual Clothes Day/Donations of non perishable foods (see Jnr School Council page)

Mon 31

Curriculum Day - No students onsite


Tues 1

Public Holiday - Melbourne Cup

Tues 8

PFA Meeting 7.30pm

Tues 15

Kinder to Prep Transition morning 9.30am - 10.15am

Tues 22

Kinder to Prep Transition morning 9.30am - 10.15am

Sat 26

Carlsruhe Fair


October Roster

Fri 21 - Jessica & Dave

Wed 26 - Chantelle & Bec

Thurs 27 - Naomi

Fri 28 - 2 x helper needed

November Roster

Wed 02 - 2 x helper needed

Thurs 03 - 1 x helper needed

Fri 04 - Julia & Jess

School Term Dates - 2022

Term 1: 31 January - 8 April

Public Holiday - 14.03.22 (Labour Day)

Term 2: Tuesday 26 April - 24 June

Curriculum Day (no students) - Tue 26.04.22

Public Holiday - 13.06.22 (Queen's Birthday)

Curriculum Day (no students) - Tue 14.06.22

Term 3: 11 July - 16 September

Curriculum Day (no students) - Mon 11.07.22

Term 4: 3 October - 20 December - 1.30 pm dismissal

Curriculum Day (no students) - Mon 03.10.22

Curriculum Day (no students) - Mon 31.10.22

Melbourne Cup (public holiday) - Tues 01.11.22

Camp Dates - 2022

Year 4 - 5th December - 7th December