Kharisma Kids - OSHC 

Well as they say, that’s a wrap for term 3 of this year.  Ten weeks has passed extremely quickly even though we are still enduring these unprecedented times of extended remote learning.

This term we have seen extremely low numbers of attendances due to the current situation.  Having said that, the few children we have had attending have still been provided with as much fun, and as many experiences as possible. 


As we cast our minds forward to next term, we are reminding all our families and students who utilise our service that we are now in our SUNSMART period of the year which means    “NO HAT , NO PLAY”.  As the sun continues to get hotter during this time of the year, we encourage parents to ensure all children have a sunsmart hat to use at after school care, as we base more of our activities around outside during warmer weather.

We look forward to next term and are really hoping that our numbers increase so we can continue providing the amount of exciting and engaging activities and experiences to all our students and value for all our families.   

All the Kharisma Kids team hope everyone has a safe and relaxing few weeks off and comes back ready for a more normal Term 4.   


We look forward to seeing you all back next term, as well as some familiar faces from earlier in the year back.    


See you all soon     

Rob, Lucas, Marlene and Sarah

The Kharisma Kids Team