Remote Learning   

Image by Jack "Feels like Summers coming"

Challenging Tasks

Challenging tasks provide opportunities for students to think like a mathematician to solve problems and find multiple solutions. Challenging tasks enable students to problem-solve and justify their thinking and offer rich opportunities to engage in Maths. It often requires a deeper understanding of Maths through trial and error, problem-solving, and justifying, rather than simply solving number equations. 


Here is an activity you may like to try with your child: (This can be adapted to suit all levels) 

"I did a subtraction task and the answer was 215 but I cannot remember the other numbers." Find as many solutions to this subtraction as possible. 

  • Encourage your child to think about different ways they could solve this problem and to record their thinking
  • Encourage them to think of more than one way to find the answer
  • You may like to ask your child: What are some ways to work this out? Why did you work it out that way? Can you tell me how you got your answer? Can you think of a different way to find the answer? Can you create a similar problem for a family member to solve? 

PRC Rule Adjustment Update

Only 16 Days to Complete the Premier’s Reading Challenge!

It is getting close to the end of the Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2021 and students in greater Sydney including our Galilee students, who are learning from home, may have some additional challenges when completing their student reading records.


To support all students, the following adjustments have been applied to the challenge in 2021. A full list of the changes can be found on the PRC rules page.

  • The Challenge closing date has been extended to allow extra time for students to finalise their book entries. The new closing date for students is Friday 3 September, 2021.
  • Students on all Challenge levels will be able to read 10 choice books.
  • Students on all Challenge levels will be able to include books on their reading records that they read collaboratively as a class, in person or online with their teacher or at home with their parents/carers.

Thank you to all our parents/carers who are supporting our avid Galilee readers in their participation in the Challenge. Students’ efforts will be recognised through the receipt of a Certificate of Achievement signed by the NSW Premier, Ms Gladys Berejiklian. Gold Certificates will be awarded to students who complete four years of the Challenge.


Keep reading, you can do it!


Kindest regards,

Ms Fan Manuel
