Faith & Family

Family Educator News                

Family Winter Sleepout, Friday 27 August 2021

We would love to invite our Galilee community to participate in this year's Family Winter Sleepout at home, as part of the Sydney Catholic Schools Initiative #FWSO@H


Please watch the promotional video (see if you can spot a family you know) and 

family prayer resource for you to use on Friday night.  Please send us photos of yourselves making soup or gathered outside together so that we can share this with our online community. 


Support Dads Experiencing Homelessness this Father's Day.

Did you know that men make up 60% of the homeless population in Australia but for many men, there is not only shame or stigma associated with asking for help but also there is a fear of the negative attitudes towards them when attempting to get help. The YouLegend Box helps combat these stigmas and show men in need that they are not alone. Through this box, men experiencing homelessness are equipped with some of the tools they need to break through barriers and restore dignity. The gift boxes allow men to be able to prepare for important occasions such as rental interviews and court dates.

Purchase a YouLegend Box here:

Invitation to Livestream Mass with Fr Robbie

Please join our Bondi community each Sunday at 10 am for mass at St Patrick's, live-streamed through the new Bondi Parish Facebook page. Remember to like and follow the page to stay updated with Parish news.

Parent Resources & Links

Father's Day Handout

A great little fact sheet about how great dads are for Father's Day.


Parent SPaR video

If you'd like to set aside a few minutes for a guided reflection, please click on the link below and reflect on this great little question.


Children's Meditation Video

Click the link for a Meditation  called the Gratitude Tree - a great one to use before bedtime