Principal's Message

Rise to the Challenge

Our thoughts and prayers extend to the people of Afghanistan. The news reports and horrific images of desperate people trying to flee persecution has been deeply disturbing. It is a reminder to us all that whilst we are experiencing another lockdown and tighter restrictions, there are people who are far worse off than us. 


We give thanks and gratitude for the freedoms and liberties that we enjoy in Australia as a democratic country. We pray for peace in Afghanistan for the people, particularly girls and women, to live freely without fear of draconian laws being enforced on their civil liberties.

Wellbeing and check-in phone calls – Thank you for positive responses

As parents and carers would be aware, Galilee staff members continue to undertake a series of “wellbeing” / check in calls each week with all families of the school.


Not all schools are offering this “pastoral care” contact and then “follow-up” provision of support during these uncertain times, but here at Galilee we are very pleased to be able to offer this important and vital communication link to families at this time.


We have been very appreciative and sincerely thank family members for their positive comments about remote learning and helpful suggestions that have been shared with staff members. It has been great to receive affirmation for the work being done!


At the same time the school has learnt of the huge commitment and sacrifices that are being put in by families to “juggle” supporting children in their home learning, keeping up with job responsibilities (often late into the evening) and finding ways to maintain “good” mental health. The Galilee school staff certainly acknowledge the massive strain that is on everyone at this current stage of the pandemic and we will continue to provide further “check-ins” each week, if the period of lockdown is extended. We will get through this “together”!


Please be aware that if you or your family are experiencing any challenges or difficulties that you think we can help with, please don’t hesitate to contact Elyse in the Galilee Office, at any time.

Acknowledgement of Staff Members’ professional efforts

As mentioned we have received positive feedback about the school’s approach to our remote learning program and provision of Zoom sessions. I feel it would be appropriate for Galilee families to have an awareness of the current workload of teachers.


The time commitment required for “delivery” of the Galilee Remote Learning Program by an individual teacher is a constant “daily task” and requires significant time. For preparation of a “learning plan” teachers are spending 3+ hours sourcing lesson ideas and appropriate websites, the “marking” / checking of work submitted by students is 2+ hours, constant monitoring of Google Classrooms / Seesaw / "check-in" calls to respond to students/parents and carers, screen recordings can take another 1.5 hours. 


Some days we have up to 30+ students onsite which requires 2 qualified teachers (and 1 LSO) for the Year level or multi-age student groups that are formed which restricts the “availability” of teaching staff members for extended Zoom sessions.


The “preparation” of each current Zoom session is approx 1 hour. Teachers are also facilitating their designated Zoom sessions. Therefore, as you can see there is an extensive amount of time being spent by teachers, to facilitate remote learning - in excess of their regular “face-to-face” teaching expectations.

Feedback on Remote Learning 

We would like to get some feedback about how remote learning has been going for you this week. Please take the time to complete thisshortRemote Learning Survey Form Feedback Week 7 by Friday 27 August - for each of your children at Galilee. 


Your responses will assist staff to improve the way in which Remote Learning can better meet the needs of your family.

Wellbeing Week 

We will dedicate week 8 during this period to promote the importance of looking after our minds as well as our bodies. As adults, it is important for us to model to children ways of nurturing our mental health.


Learning plans in week 8 will comprise of Mathematics, English, RE, Mandarin and Music sessions. From 12:30 on most days, we encourage students to undertake wellbeing activities in the afternoon. Please refer to the learning plans for a range ideas and activities. Students are encouraged to take some time to get outside with their family. It's a time where we can clear our minds and enjoy the act of simply being present in the moment.  


“Be happy in the moment. That’s enough.” Mother Teresa

Father's Day Whole School Assembly

We look forward to seeing all of the children at our whole school assembly in Week 8 on Friday 3 September at 10:15. All parents are welcome to join us. A Zoom link for the assembly will be shared via learning plans and Compass. 

Something to think about...

Today's Book Week Trivia 


Anna Novak
