Inspire - Parent Education

The John XXIII College Parents' Association funds a program of speakers and educators to discuss a range of relevant social issues affecting young people and their families. With travel restrictions in place this year we haven’t been able to bring expects to the College, but there are presentations organised that we’d like to promote. 


Claire Eaton is a Perth based expert, and she’ll be presenting a seminar at Churchlands Senior High School. Justin Coulson and Paul Dillon, who have previously presented to our students and parents, are hosting online seminars. They are all experts in their field, incredible presenters, and we hope that they are of value to you and your family.

Claire Eaton Seminar: Raising Today's Tweens & Teens with Confidence - Monday 6 September 2021

Parenting Connection WA is proud to bring Claire Eaton, WA speaker and youth mindset coach to nine different regions across WA. Claire is the author of Hello High School and ROC and RISE; resilience, optimism and confidence boosting books for teenagers.

This event is a great opportunity for all adults in the lives of adolescents, to learn practical strategies needed to raise and support resilient young people in a fast-changing world. Don't miss out on this FREE, informative, adult-only event.


Date and time

Monday 6 September 2021 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (UTC+08)



Churchlands Senior High School 

Concert Hall

20 Lucca Street, Churchlands WA 6018


WEBINAR: Answers with Dr Justin Coulson: Anxiety in your Child Wednesday 8 September 2021

ANSWERS with Dr JUSTIN COULSON is a live virtual seminar series, and you need to register your details to get access to the link.


Anxiety has become one of the leading causes of ill-health in our children. And it’s also affecting more parents than ever before. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated what was already an accelerating problem. Can we stop anxiety? Where is it coming from? Are our kids bubble-wrapped snowflakes that just need to ‘toughen up’ and get over it? Or is there an approach to our children’s anxiety that can build them, encourage them, and give them hope?


John XXIII College has purchased a whole school licence for this "Anxiety in your Child" seminar with Dr Justin Coulson. That means all staff and parents have FREE access to this event.


Please register your details to receive the viewing link and email reminders for the event. 


If you can't make it on the night, don't worry! You'll be able to access the recording from the same link for 7 days. 


Dr Justin Coulson, one of Australia's leading parenting experts, has put together Answers with Dr Justin Coulson: Anxiety in your Child to provide the answers every parent needs to help their children – and even to help themselves.  This webinar is designed for parents and educators of primary and secondary school students across Australia.  


Date and time

Wednesday 8 September 2021 from 5:30pm to 7pm



Paul Dillon webinar: Young people, alcohol and other drugs 2021: What do parents need to know?

Socialising with peers is an important part of adolescent development and COVID-19 and the resulting restrictions continue to impact Australian young people and their families in this area. 


This webinar will discuss changes in the way teens appear to be socialising, as well as a number of alcohol and other drugs (AOD) issues that anecdotal evidence suggest, are on the rise, i.e., 'vaping', nitrous oxide or 'nanging' and cannabis. It will also provide information on how drugs are now being bought and sold, i.e., online sales via social media apps and home delivery. Some simple strategies to assist parents when their teens wish to socialise with their friends will also be provided. Finally, the session aims to empower parents with a positive message and assist them in having open and honest family discussions in this complex area.


Date and time

Thursday 16 September 2021, 5:00pm to 6:30pm



$25 plus GST


Online Event

This event will be hosted on Zoom and Paul Dillon will email you the link leading up to the event.


This event will be live-streamed and not made available as a recording at a later date.