Premier's Reading Challenge

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”

― Dr. Seuss

Premier's Reading Challenge Ends Soon - Wednesday 15th September


All students from Years 7-9 are currently enrolled in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge. To successfully complete the challenge students must read 15 books in total - at least 10 Challenge sanctioned books plus Choice books.


VUSC has reading time allocated for each period of the day, so students have an excellent opportunity to complete the required amount of books. It is also a great habit to set aside 20 minutes per evening just for reading, with no screen distractions, which will boost student vocabulary and fluency to the next level.


The Certificate not only gives recognition for the reading, it shows staff and prospective employers that the student has the ability to see a task through. I have previously been able to obtain a Western Chances Scholarship for a student through her dedication to her reading, she otherwise would not have qualified.


Would all parents/guardians please:

1/ Talk to your child about the book they are reading 

2/ Ensure that students are recording their completed books on the PRC website for verification

3/ Help your child establish their 20min (or more) reading habit each evening.


Thank you for your support.


Kelvin Gallagher

Junior Campus Teacher/Librarian