Classroom News

The Prep students are slowly getting back into routine this week after the two week holidays. The students are very excited and eager to be back at school in our learning space. One of our morning routines is to change the daily home reader and then pick a picture story book to read until the 9:00am bell goes. The students have been amazing this week at getting back into the swing of it!
Year 1
The Year 1’s have settled back into the class routine nicely. It was fantastic to see so many of the students excited to be coming back to school after the holidays.
During the holidays it was NAIDOC (National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee) Week. This year NAIDOC week was held from Sunday 3 July to Sunday 10 July. NAIDOC is celebrated by people from all walks of life, Indigenous and non‑Indigenous. The week is a great opportunity to participate in a range of activities and to support and amplify the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Seeing as we were on holidays, in Year 1 we have been focusing on celebrating the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples during our literacy lessons this week at school. Some of the stories we have read in class are seen below.
Year 2/3/4
Coding Club
Each day the students from P-6 are given the opportunity to participate in various lunch time clubs. Tuesday’s lunch time club is Coding! It was great to see so many enthusiastic students attend our first session where they learnt how to move characters in games using codes.
Here’s what some of our students had to stay:
My favourite part of coding club was when we learnt how to get on different coding games and play lots of fun games! – Natalie
I enjoyed how the coding got harder and harder. I completed it! – Katalina
Coding club was very, very, very fun! - Tristan
Living in the Past
In Inquiry this term, the Year 2 and Year 3/4 students will be learning about what it was like to live in the past. Before we begin investigating, we shared our wonderings....
I wonder why people were more healthier than us back in the day. - Roman
I'm wondering if people had to ride horses back then instead of going around in cars. - Yianna
I wonder how people got cars and houses and machines. How did they make iron from scratch. - Harper
I was wondering if people in the old days drove cars without any seat belts. Would they get hurt? - Maxie
I wonder why dresses in the olden days looked more beautiful then now. I wonder why the dresses were long to the ground. - Isabella
I wonder why they wore uncomfortable clothes back then. It looks like the clothes were uncomfortable. - Fortunato
I'm wondering if people drank dirty water or if they had some way of cleaning it like we do today. - Katelin
I wonder why in the olden days, they seemed more creative when they made new things like the hairdryer and the washing machine. - Aleisha
Year 4/5/6
'Everyone has a Story' is the title of our Term 3 Inquiry Unit, which will look at the following;
# why do people immigrate to another country?
# how do they feel about it and what things do they bring with them?
# how has migration shaped the country we live in?
# what impact has migration had on the First Australians; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?
Our unit of work shall begin in earnest next week, as our senior students head off to the city for two incredible powerful experiences;
- A visit to the Immigration Museum, and
- a 30 minute walking tour with the Koori Heritage Trust, seeing Melbourne in a different light, pre-contact.
We'll have lots of stories and photos next week.
Guest Speaker
We are extremely lucky, honoured in fact, to have the grandma of Ethan MacLeay as our first special visitor and guest speaker at our school. Monica''s mum is going to tell us of her fascinating story of migration to Australia. We can't wait!!!