Round the classes
Reception class : Katie
Over the past two weeks the Reception class has been learning how to recognise digraphs in words. Some of the digraphs we have been learning to recognise are 'sh', 'ch,' and 'th.'
In maths we have been learning about measurements and have experimented using concrete materials to measure our heights.
As part of HASS we have been learning about celebrations. Last week we shared how we like to celebrate our birthdays. This week we are learning about an Indonesian kite festival.
Year 1/2 classes : Sam and Kelly
In literacy, the children have been correcting sentences and making sure they use the correct punctuation - full stops, exclamation marks and question marks.
We are still learning sounds focusing on beginning, middle and end sounds and blending them together. The children have also been continuing learning about correct sentence structure focusing on openers (how to start the sentence), WOW words and connectors (and, because). It has been great to see the progress with this.
In maths we have been learning fractions 1/8, 1/4, 1/3 and 1/2, place value, addition and subtraction problems. Students have been working on strategies to solve their problems as well as explain their reasoning.
In HASS, we have been working with Katie's Reception class on Imagine Uraidla. We paired the students up and they had to design/sketch what they think Uraidla would look like in ten years' time. Last week they used their design and started to build their futuristic town. It was great to see how well they collaborated together.
Year 3/4 class: Henry
It has been a busy couple of weeks in our Year 3/4 class. We are happy to welcome back Ellie who has returned from Japan! She has settled back into class well and all the kids have been excited to catch up.
In English the class has been working on developing a plan producing an information report. The students have been busily taking notes from a range of texts, creating mind-maps, turning our notes into sentences using a scaffold, and finally turning all the hard work into a published information report. The class has now well and truly gotten stuck into the Words Their Way spelling program, with the kids spending time each day doing a variety of activities to help them learn their spelling words.
In maths, we have been looking at angles and have begun to identify the types we might find in our classroom. These have included right angles, obtuse and acute angles, as well as straight angles and full rotations. To measure these angles, we have made our own angle measuring tools. This week we will start to look at the language used to describe chance and probability and the factors which may affect the chance of different events happening.
Our attention now in geography has turned to the publication of a map of Australia which will show all the natural and man-made landmarks that we have been researching.
Year 3/4 class: Alex
In weeks 7 and 8 students have been practising their lines in preparation for their performance of ‘The Pied Piper’. We would love students, staff and families to come and watch on the last day of this term at 12.00 in the gym. Students have been working on their volume and projection of their voices. They have been adding expression to convey the emotion and personality of their characters. The class also started designing props and practising the choreography of movement in scenes of the play. (See photos below)
Students have continued to work on their persuasive writing, selecting the most persuasive reasons to convince the reader of their argument.
In maths students have been learning about fractions, identifying halves, thirds and quarters and recording them in pictures, words and numbers. They have also been investigating equivalent fractions.
Year 5/6 class:
Another busy fortnight in the 5/6 class. To prepare for our information report writing task we looked at different ways to process information. Our topic was First Contact. We watched a video and practised taking notes, we used a piece of writing where we highlighted some words and then transformed these into notes then did some drama and used our experience to create a mind map. These three pieces of information formed our own information report on the first contact that our First Nation people experienced when Australia was "discovered" and colonised. (Please see the link for an example of Alby's writing piece.)
For maths we have continued our investigation into fractions, decimals and percentages. We also fitted in a productive afternoon with Sam's Year 1/2 class preparing for the bunyip effigy.
As part of our design and technology the Year 5/6s have been starting to make and code robots. At this stage we are still learning and hope to be more accomplished by the end of the term.
Indonesian :Ibu Susan
In Indonesian the 5/6 class have been busy designing their own dream homes using our key words from this term. They have been very creative! The younger students have learnt the rhyme Lima Little Monyet ( Five Little Monkeys) and created some lovely pictures.
Science: Troy
The Year 5/6 students have been learning about electrical circuits in science. They have been focusing on open and closed loops, voltage and series and parallel circuits.
Here are some images of students trialling different circuits in class.
Gardening: Jo
We revised some sustainability concepts and then the 3/4 students enjoyed cooking up our school grown potatoes which were harvested last week.
Oven fries were baked and steamed potatoes with butter and herbs were also enjoyed!