Principal's Message

with Mr Brendan Gill

Principal's Message

We have booked the Tasmanian Police on August 18 for a Think You Know presentation.  

It will focus on social media, online gaming, instant messaging and protection against unwanted sexual content/contact.  There will be a Grade 3/4 presentation and a Grade 5/6 presentation.  This is a real issue for students growing up now and adds so many complexities not seen when I was of the same age.  Most of this happens outside school, but we see the ramifications and problems emerge in the classroom and playground. 


For more information and a lot of fantastic parent guides, visit


Next Friday 1 July Mid-Year reports will be available to parents via Compass (Prep to Grade 6).  We will send out a notification when they are live.  In Week 10, parents have the opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss their child’s report and growth areas for the remainder of 2022.  These are not compulsory but are highly recommended.


A successful Cross Country event was held last week. In this newsletter we bring you a wrap up of the event including the place getters and a selection of photographs which captured the event.  If you missed the inspiring video of our Grade 5/6 students supporting fellow classmate and friend Riley during his event, here it is below.



Enjoy this fortnight's newsletter.


Brendan Gill | Principal