Level 5/6

Level 5 and 6 News 


Level 5 and 6 have had a wonderful start to Term 3. After a very eventful end to last term it has been lovely to settle back into our classroom routines and establish some new practices and class roles. Following a ‘book tasting’ the students have enjoyed selecting texts to read, share and develop understanding in small groups as a part of our Literature Circles sessions. Each student is responsible for taking on a specific role during their group discussion and the students are then given the responsibility of deciding which section of text they need to read and carry out their role for prior to their next meeting.  


Our Writing focus for the first few weeks of this term will be on Fairy Tales, both traditional and fractured fairy tales. The students have enjoyed their first week of this where they were able to reminisce about their favourite stories, compare and contrast stories and break down the text structure. We look forward to sharing some of the students published fairy tales over the next few weeks.  


This week the students will begin training for the summer interschool sports teams. They are excited to be able to play a new set of sports and are eager to put their skills to the test over the next season in basketball, hot shots tennis, volleyball, cricket, softball and ultimate frisbee.  


We look forward to another wonderful term in Level 5 and 6 and congratulate our students on a great start. Keep up the wonderful work! 


The Level 5 and 6 Team