Level 1

What a week we had to end Term 2! Subway Day AND Superhero Day! Our Resilience and Cyber Safety celebrations on the final day of term were a wonderful way to celebrate those we see as everyday heroes and super heroes! We tied this together with being a superhero online through discussions and activities about the importance of being safe and responsible in the digital world. Our whole school assembly was high energy and everyone loved the costume parade! The Level 1 children enjoy spending time with their Buddy Classes so that was also a special way to end the term.  



Wow! Here we are in Term 3 already! 

It has been wonderful seeing all the children back in the classroom, so eager to share their school holiday stories, see their friends and learn new things. 


During our Reading Workshops last week, we revised all the behaviours that support us to become better readers, help us build our reading stamina and create an environment where everyone can focus.   


After writing a recount about the holidays, we moved to a new writing genre – Information Reports. Using a Venn Diagram, we explored the similarities and differences between the fictional text ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and a non-fiction text titled ‘The Life of a Butterfly’. We also discussed the differences between facts and opinions and how we can recognise these. 


Maths last week was all about Place Value and the children played games, used a variety of concrete materials and created place value snow people to build and consolidate their knowledge of this important skill. As we have tracked our Days at School this year, we have discussed the tens and ones columns extensively. However, as we edge closer and closer to our 100 Days, the children are excited for the much-anticipated move into the hundreds column! 


Speaking of our 100 Days at School, the excitement is rising as we countdown to our celebrations. Everyone is looking forward to our ‘party day’ on July 29th, which will include Fish and Chips for lunch! We would appreciate it if all orders and money are returned by July 22nd. 


NAIDOC Week was celebrated across Australia from July 3rd-July 10th and the 2022 theme was ‘Get Up, Stand Up, Show Up’. Miss Bell and Miss Tomkins organised some wonderful activities including a colouring competition and a special whole school art installation (watch this space…).   


Our Inquiry topic this term focuses on biological sciences and is titled ‘Dinosaurs and more’. What better way to get started than a visit to the Melbourne Museum! We can’t wait to share our experiences and bring our new knowledge back to the classroom as we explore and discover together. 


The Level 1 Team 

Nicole Robertson and Megan Taylor (1R), Rebecca Gordon and Kyla Petrilli (1GP), Danielle Anderson (1A) and Rebecca McJannet (1M)