
Welcome back to Term 3! 


We hope you all had a restful break and are looking forward to another exciting term in Foundation. 


This term our Inquiry unit is Toys and Technology. Foundation students have begun by comparing the toys they like now, to the toys they liked as a baby. We have many fun and engaging hands-on activities planned, including two fantastic incursions involving puppet making and woodworking. Foundation students will showcase their learning about ‘Moving Toys’ during our Open Afternoon classroom session on Wednesday 20th July from 2:45 pm, which we hope you can attend. 



There has been great excitement about the introduction of the iPad program in Foundation. The children are eagerly looking forward to using their iPads in many areas of their learning. In preparation for this, students have been engaged with lessons from the Cyber Safety Project to support their understandings about being safe and responsible when using the internet. We are currently learning about caring for the iPads and safety when using technology in the classroom. These sessions will continue throughout the term. 




It has been a wonderful first week back, finding out about school holiday adventures and settling back into school routines. 


The Foundation Team  

Miss Bell, Miss Bonte, Mrs Keramidas and Ms Wilson