The Art Room 



Can you believe that it is TERM THREE already. We are gearing up for a jam packed term in the Art room. Book Week is just around the corner, and this traditionally is a time to celebrate fabulous Australian literature and the amazing art work that is associated with the stories. 

Dreaming With Your Eyes Open is the theme for Book Week this year and the students have already begun art works that celebrate this theme! We are eagerly awaiting the wonderful day of celebration with our Book Week Dress Up day. (More news on this to follow) 




If you recall, our last Book parade had to be held on the oval, due to COVID restrictions. Nevertheless, we will always find a way to celebrate this auspicious occasion! 


Lastly, can I remind everyone that every student needs an art smock. We are busy with a Smock Stocktake at the moment and I have found a few students who don’t have a smock OR (sadly) they have outgrown their old one! I thank you for your support on this matter. 


Happy Creating! 


Deirdree Geilings

Art Room