
WOW! What a fantastic end to the term we have had with our celebration of the Inti Raymi Festival (Festival of the Sun) from Peru. Students used Google Earth to look at where in the world Peru is. In small groups, students collaborated to create presentations on the Incas, animals of Peru and significant places, like Machu Picchu and the Nazca Lines . They researched, took notes and paraphrased the information they found. Students then presented what they had discovered to the class. Their speaking and listening skills in Spanish were certainly impressive! 


The game 'Sapo' was taught and students were trying their best and laughing away with their friends. Ask our 2/3s how to play, they might like to set this up at home. You just need some cups, counters/bottle lids and dice. 


The highlight just might have been making Alfajores! I did overhear "These are the BEST cookies ever". The students worked incredibly well together and showed determination as they kneaded and kneaded some more! I think all that kneading was worthwhile. We have popped the recipe below, you're welcome!