
Cultural Week

Parent helpers - ¡Muchas gracias!

A huge thank you to our parent helpers who assisted in the classroom this term during reading sessions. It was fantastic that our students were able to have additional time to individually read with an adult or work in small groups for literacy activities. We will continue this in Terms 3. Please complete this form if you wish to be a part of this initiative.


Parent-Teacher interviews

During week 8 and 9 we had a great opportunity to meet many of the parents for the first time this year for our parent-teacher interviews! We appreciate your insight into your child’s experiences from the parent’s perspective. We also look forward to incorporating the feedback and suggestions received from the students who attended the interviews in our future planning sessions.


Cultural Week celebrations

It’s been a busy week for everyone in Cultural Week, with students learning about Peru, traditional celebrations, foods, dances, music and significant cultural events. Stay tuned for a student-produced video about this week's events!


Sharing our narratives with Prep/1 students
Show Time
Shared writing task
Sharing with the Prep/1 classes
Scrambled sentences
Sharing our narratives with Prep/1 students
Show Time
Shared writing task
Sharing with the Prep/1 classes
Scrambled sentences

Information for Year 6 parents

Graduation committee and photos

We are seeking some enthusiastic parents to help us with the Year 6 graduation evening. Please let your home teacher know via email ASAP if you wish to be a part of this significant event! Further information will be provided early in Term 3. 


We also require a photo of your child in Prep and Year 6. If you have additional pictures of your child at school (sports carnivals, ride-to-school days, social events), we would love to include them in our graduation slideshow. For digital photos, please send them to your home group teacher via Sentral. All hard copies will be returned.


Transition to Year 7

Year 6 students' application forms have been sent to high schools. Each high school will confirm your child's placement after 20th July. There is a state-wide transition day in Term 4 (December 13). Information about this day will be sent from each high school to individual families.


Mobile phone policy

Students who choose to bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off and securely stored in the office during school hours. At Newlands, we follow the Department of Education "Mobile Phones - Students use" policy, for more information, please click here


Pizza Lunch with Ross and Luke

To celebrate the hard work of our school leaders this term, on Wednesday, they all attended a lunch with Luke and Ross with pizzas galore!

Hawaiian, Margarita or BBQ chicken?
Hawaiian, Margarita or BBQ chicken?