What's happening in our classroom
In English this term students will be learning to write information reports. To begin our learning, this week we will be exploring the structure of an information report and how they begin with a large macro group (for example, fruit) and move into smaller micro groups (for example, apples, bananas and strawberries). Students will also apply their descriptive writing skills to their information reports.
Phonological awareness will continue to be a focus during English, with students learning about long and short vowel sounds.
In Mathematics this week students are exploring two-dimensional shapes and pattern. They created a robot using a variety of shapes and included a repeating pattern in their design.
Throughout the term we will be continuing our learning of addition and subtraction before investigating skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s, sharing equally among groups, mass and area.
Our school wide focus for the first half of term 3 is Bullying Prevention and ‘Expect Respect’. This week students were introduced to the strategy ‘Stop, Walk, Talk’ as an approach to resolving conflicts.
Inquiry Learning:
In Inquiry this term students will be learning about living things, their needs and how they affect each other. Students learning will be supported and enhanced by an excursion to Werribee Open Range Zoo on Tuesday 9th of August. Whilst at the zoo, students will participate in ‘Habitat Heroes’ where they will explore animal life cycles, features of their habitats and the basic needs of living things.