Principal Update

Thursday 11th August
Dear families,
We have reached the halfway point of term and it is wonderful to be seeing our students enjoying in their learning and developing their confidence as our teachers and education support staff continue striving to provide stimulating learning opportunities.
We have noticed that some of our families are actively promoting our school on Facebook and we would like to thank them for this! We have many things to be proud of in our school and it is nice to hear this from our community too.
Student Voice Team (SVT)
At our last assembly we acknowledged our new SVT members and thanked the ‘old’ ones. Our SVT, led by Kieran Cantwell, meet regularly and are looking at using our fundraising to get a gaga pit installed at the school – watch this space!
Our SVT for this term is:
- Heidi (FM) and Eden
- Sadie (12CA) and Alex
- Eilidh (12D) and Chi
- Ari (34L) and Drew
- Rose (34K) and Hunter
- Will (34S) and Shylah
- Flynn (5EC) and Max B
Production (not far away)
Our rehearsals and excitement levels are ramping up as staff and students, led by Anne Matheson, continue to work on their parts for the upcoming Year 3-6 performance of ‘Very Strange Things’ which will be happening on Monday 5th September at the Emerald SC theatre.
Book Week (22 – 26 August)
This year the theme is ‘Dreaming with eyes open...’.
On Monday 22nd August our Year 5/6 Celebration of Learning will be a chance to ‘Meet the Authors’ and will highlight the students’ own picture story books.
Students and staff will be invited to dress up as a book character on Wednesday 24th August which is always a highlight.
Orchard and our chickens
Tomorrow our Year 6 students will be rejuvenating our orchard with some new fruit trees. This week our chickens are been enjoying some new freedoms in the orchard and we are looking at creating a chicken run for them from the orchard to their coop at our upcoming working bee.
Thanks to Jono Neilson, Kate Keys and Justin Benne for their efforts and upcoming efforts!
Working Bee
A reminder we are having a working bee at both the primary and preschool on Saturday 27th August from 1pm – 4pm
Curriculum Day
Thursday 8th September – students not required at school.
We have a few events coming up between now and the end of the year that we are seeking some support from families to assist in coordinating and volunteering some time. Our Community Relations subcommittee is keen to hear from our wider community so If you are willing and able to assist could you please email the school at Thanks to the families that have already reached out.
2023 Foundation Enrolments – Due Date
A reminder to any families with Foundation students starting in 2023 that Enrolment Forms are due by Friday 12 August. Please contact the office on 9754 3695 or by email ( to ask for a form. Please also contact us if you have any queries. It would be great if you could pass this information on to any families you know of who may wish to enrol their Foundation child for next year. Families will be advised by Friday 26 August regarding confirmation of the placement at MCPS.
Covid reminder
There are some brief updates regarding COVID Safe management from the Department of Education - please see below:
- Families are still required to please report any positive student cases to the school.
- We are still required to send home notifications regarding positive cases in particular cohorts. When there are no cases reported on a day, there will be no message home.
- Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) will no longer be sent home unless families request them. Please contact the office if you would like a box/boxes of tests sent home with your child if you are symptomatic or are household contacts.
Schools are asked to remind staff, students and families that the current advice from the Victorian government is that it is recommended face masks are worn in indoor settings (except for close contacts, who must wear a mask indoors unless an exception applies).
It is appreciated by the school when families are keeping students at home when they are unwell so to avoid spreading any illness. We appreciate it is very challenging at the moment.
Thanks to those families who are entering this information into compass attendance so we are aware too.
Take care,
Dale McInerney