Middle School News

Year 7 & Year 8

Middle School Update

The Year 7 and 8 students and teachers have continued with their impressive start to Semester Two. With a number of activities occurring over the past couple of weeks including the Lorin Nicholson Workshop, Creative Edge and our co-curricular opportunities; parents can keep up to date with what’s happening by viewing               Seqta – Engage:



At the end of Week 1 it was great to be able to congratulate and celebrate with the students who received the top 10% of Merits in their year group in Term Two. These students (and some teachers) gathered together to share a meal in the form of some pizza. The challenge to our young people it to continue ‘put in your best effort’ into everything you do as we are always looking to ‘spot the positive’ and recognise them with a Merit.


The Parent-Student-Teacher interviews held last week. These two evenings were well attended and were offered to provide teachers with an opportunity to guide, support and challenge, with the goal to help our students improve in their classes prior to the end of year. Teachers used the Semester One report to request interviews as we underpin the learning and support of our students through a strong parent-student-teacher relationship.


Our students continue to be provided with a chance to engage in some fun activities during the school week. Table tennis has become an option for the Year 7 and 8s to play in the covered assembly space at lunch and it’s great to see students enjoying this, but there is definitely some work to be done on skills and rules!!

Brendan McGrath

Head of Middle School (Year 7 to Year 9)

Salvado's Creative Edge

Later this month, a number of Salvado’s Gifted and Talented students will be going to Curtin University to compete in this year’s Creative Edge Problem Solving Challenge. With up to 100 teams participating in this event, our students will no doubt enjoy mixing with other young people on a university campus. 


Aiming to ensure that students develop resilience when faced with challenging situations, this educational competition provides students with engaging tasks which aim to develop their critical and creative thinking skills.  


On Tuesday 2 August, Kathy Boyatzis, Director of Creative Edge Thinking delivered an inspiring workshop to our 29, Year 7 & 8 entrants. With a close focus on harnessing creative thinking skills, this workshop has our students well prepared for the event ahead. 


Jason Meynell

English Teacher