From the Principal's Desk

Lot's Happening @ Salvado Catholic College . . .
Dear Parents and Carers
It has been all happening at Salvado Catholic College!
It was wonderful to see all the creative Book Week character costumes being worn by students and staff in Primary today. Everyone looked amazing! Thank you parents and carers for your efforts in getting the costumes sorted for the students. Everyone loves a good dress up!
On Monday our students from Pre-Primary to Year 8 celebrated a liturgy for the Feast of the Assumption of Mary in the Auditorium. Our Year 6 students attended Mass at St Francis Xavier. The Feast of the Assumption of Mary is a very special day in our liturgical calendar. Thank you to the staff and students who led the liturgies.
This week we have also been celebrating Science Week, with science activities throughout the week and a Scitech Incursion taking place tomorrow for our Pre-Primary to Year 8 students. Thanks Mrs Weaire, Mrs Rozario and Mrs Thomas for all that you do in Science with our students across the College to engage them in exploring and learning more about Science in our world.
Our Drum Group and Choir's performances at the Performing Arts Festival in the last couple of weeks were amazing! The students talents shone through and they represented our College with pride. Thank you! Thanks Mr Paul Leeder for your efforts in preparing them and to Molly Leeder who played the keyboard and Mr Thairon Jansen for playing the
didgeridoo. Everyone needs to hear our beautiful Salvado song sung by our choir at some stage.
Hopefully all our families have taken the time to have a read of the eCommunication with information regarding the Child Safe Framework and The KeepingSafe: Child Protection Curriculum that came out earlier this week. We shared this information as we postponed the Parent/Carer Information session. If there are any questions with the information shared, please do not hesitate to make contact with your child/ren's teacher or Mrs Marissa Munro directly.
We are looking forward to our Book Fair and Open Night this evening. Thank you to Elaine Bozanich for coordinating the Book Fair and all the hours that you have put in, along with the support of parent/carer helpers leading up to and including this evening. Our students, staff and families are very appreciative of your time and efforts!
We can't wait to open up our Learning Spaces throughout the College and showcase to our College community all the wonderful teaching and learning taking place. Thank you to all our staff for all that you do in our Learning Spaces at Salvado Catholic College to engage the students in their learning and make Salvado such a great place to come to each day.
All the best to our Middle School students on Friday as they compete in this year's Athletics Carnival at Briggs Oval. Hoping to see lots of spectators at what promises to be an exciting day! Hopefully the forecast is for sunshine and a fast track! Thank you
I know our Kindy to Year 6 students will dance the afternoon/evening away this Friday at the Disco. Thank you Nicole Green for coordinating the Disco, with the support of Friends of Salvado and the Disco committee. Thanks to all the parents/carers and staff who have put their hand up to assist. Very much appreciated!
Congratulations to our Year 4 students and children in the Parish who will this weekend celebrate their First Holy Communion. Our prayers and thoughts are with you all!
Peace & Happy Days!
Santino Giancono
Salvado Catholic College wish to acknowledge the Whadjuk people, the Traditional
Owners who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to this country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.