Primary Disco

It’s almost Disco Time!
Our Disco Committee cannot wait for our Disco goers to experience the ultimate glow dance party, with neon ‘positive graffiti art’ drawn by the very talented Year 5 and Year 6 students and some of our very creative parents, over 100 helium glow balloons, over 1200 glow sticks and UV lights, we are sure that the Covered Assembly Space will glow! There will be door prizes for each Disco time slot, games and each student will receive glow sticks upon entry, drinks during the event and a lolly bag on exit. There are many businesses and families to thank in due course, who have kindly donated these products and their time, to make this an unforgettable event for our children. We have a fabulous community!
Students Disco – Drop Off
All students will be required to be dropped off by a parent or carer, through the double glass doors of the Covered Assembly Space (Warrington carpark side). Student’s names will be ticked off a list of students who have purchased a ticket. Please note, NO physical ticket is required.
Parents of Kindergarten and Pre-primary students are able to stay for the duration of the Disco if their child/ren are unsettled.
Students Disco – Pick Up
Students will be released to parents by a staff member, through the glass door on the eastern side of the Covered Assembly Space. (Abernethy carpark side)
Waiting Parents and Siblings – Bake Sale
Parents and siblings are welcome to utilise the Primary Resource Space (between Kindy and Pre-Primary), come along and enjoy a cuppa. Our College Mini Vinnie’s will be selling some baked goods for a gold coin donation, with all proceeds going to St Vincent De Paul.
We hope to see you all there!
Disco Committee