
In Year 6, we focused on the topic of Awareness in Mindfulness. 

Students discussed the difference between mindfulness and mindlessness and how they can apply mindful awareness to shift from mindlessness to being mindful. Students were then asked to think about a time when they noticed that they were on auto pilot and to create a reflective journal on how they were able to bring their awareness back to the task they were working on.

If you would like to access the Smiling Mind program at home: https://www.smilingmind.com.au 

In Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships, the Year 6 students are focusing on the topic of Positive Coping. 

To begin, students brainstormed what they believed the term ‘self-talk’ refers to. ‘Self-talk’ makes a big difference to how we cope with the challenges that come our way. Our self-talk can help or hinder the way we deal with situations. If we tell ourselves negative things, it can make it hard to keep going when things go wrong. Using positive self-talk can help us get through challenging times and to maintain our determination and effort. Students were then given a scenario, and as a class, brainstormed some negative self-talk that could appear. Independently, students then used the ‘positive self-talk’ resource to come up with positive self-talk responses.