
 HSC Major Works Exhibition 

This evening’s HSC Major Works Exhibition is the culmination of months of dedicated hard work by many young men of the Class of 2022. 


The exhibition showcases works from Design and Technology, English Extension 2, Industrial Technology, and Visual Arts. The exhibition is an acknowledgement and celebration of sustained effort and the acquisition of knowledge and skills, over many months, required to undertake a major work for the HSC. 


Each work must demonstrate a conscious and purposeful style that has been individually developed and refined to demonstrate integrity and craftmanship. 


I’m sure as parents/carers, friends and teachers walk through the exhibition, they will be duly impressed and feel a great sense of pride. 


I wish all the young men exhibiting their major works a rewarding evening and much success in the HSC. 


Michael Cutrupi  

Director of Curriculum 

Year 12 2023 Resource List

The Year 12 Textbooks are now available for ordering from Campion Education.

Please use the following link to place your order.


If your order is placed before Wednesday 14 September, the delivery fee will be $11.  Orders placed after this date will incur a delivery fee of $21.95 per order.


Queries can be directed to Peggy Kwong –


Peggy Kwong

Resource List Coordinator

Year 9 Science Extension Project

The Year 9.5 Extension Science class was given the challenge to create a prototype of an electric house in Term 1 after they had completed the Physics topic in Science. The boys worked on the design and constructed the house using recycled material, wires, motors and batteries. The students worked on the houses once a week for two terms and then presented the houses to the Junior and Senior classes as well as numerous teachers. They were engaged and creative throughout the process and found it to be a great learning experience. 


Miray El-Hachem

Science Teacher

We have been scratching our brains! 

This term, we have scratched our brains and come up with many different scientific theories. Most importantly, we have researched why some materials are better suited for certain things than others. For example, what is the best way to protect our brains? We looked at the 22 bones of the skull, and the liquid protecting the brain. We studied the benefits of different protective bike helmets. Then we conducted Eggsperiments and dropped eggs on different surfaces to find out which is better to crash on. Finally, we made the most of being part of a Year 5-12 school and visited the Senior Science Labs. There Mrs Chander gave us real brains! We touched them, studied them, and scratched them. We found that brains are incredibly mushy. The slightest touch and they look more like cat food than something to think with.