Year 3 News

Student Led Conferences

A big thank you to all of the parents for coming to the student led conferences. Our students were so thrilled to show you around the classroom and show off their learning that they had worked so hard on through-out the year.


Japanese Incursion

Last Thursday the Year Three students looked into Japanese culture when we had the Japanese Incursion. It was an amazing experience led by a lady and her friend Taro, who were hilarious. They performed puppet shows, told a story and told us about Japanese festivals. Every time that Taro tried to say konichiwa (hello in Japanese), instead he said ‘’Konichiwaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!’’ and tried to fly away but instead fell to the ground, usually only just being caught. 


Thank you Koji Sensei for organising such a funny and entertaining show. 


By Caitlin (3B) and Mila (3B)

Mini Boss Incursion

For Year 3 Inquiry we are looking at ‘How humans are driven to imagine, construct and invent’ so we started our unit with the Mini Boss Incursion.  It was the funniest thing ever. The first thing we had to do was make a marble run with a mystery bag filled with rubber bands, a piece of paper, paperclips, straws and masking tape.


We also did this game where we drew a shape on someone’s back and then it gets passed down the line without talking and the front person has a piece of paper and they had to draw the shape. The last thing we did was we made a robot made of some of the same materials we made the marble run out of but we also had a paper plate. It was really fun day and we learned a lot about planning and working in a team. We had so much fun. 

BY Olivia (3A) and Josh (3A)


Caitlin, Olivia, Josh, Mila
Caitlin, Olivia, Josh, Mila

Think Tank

The Year Threes have been busy working away on their Unit of Inquiry project this week, trying to improve an already existing invention. The next few weeks will be filled with generating ideas, designing and building a prototype, planning and finally presenting a poster of their new and improved invention.  


We have also started doing fractions this week. Here we are trying to order these fractions on a number line.