Year 2 News 



We had a lot of fun this week in Inquiry. The students learnt about how we change, habitats and life cycles. We went on a bug hunt around the school and found lots of different minibeasts. We discussed why the minibeasts live where they live and some of the characteristics of a good habitat.  

We looked at the life cycles of ladybirds, butterflies and bees as they all transform from a lava form into their adult form. 


To show that we all grow and change we had a baby guessing competition and discussed how some of our features stayed the same and some developed. Thanks everyone for sending in photos of your children. We loved seeing them when they were younger. 



Over the last few weeks in Maths, we have been looking at multiplication as repeated addition, eg 4 groups of 5 is 5 + 5 + 5 + 5, as arrays and as equal groups. We have continued to use the Daily 3 as a structure for our maths sessions and have played many fun games with someone to reinforce and practise our multiplication skills, such as rolling two dice to make arrays and also towers of unifix to show equal groups. We have matched the multiplication problem with the correct array picture, repeated addition sum and the answer. We have used our knowledge of multiplication to colour in a picture and played multiplication roll ‘em with a partner. 


We have investigated length by discussing the language associated with it and the tools/manipulatives used. We estimated the length of a paper roll using prior knowledge and read a book about a person who tried to measure/make his kings bed, but it was too small as his feet were not as long as the King’s feet. 


We went outside and had fun measuring our own bed using the length of our feet as an informal unit. We discussed why the size of the beds were different as they were all 3 feet by 6 feet. 


We completed a challenging task where we had to use the clues given such as the lane number, length and colour of 5 different snakes to place them in the correct finishing order in the Snake Olympics. We have brainstormed what we know about capacity, watched a brainpop video and measured various different sized containers to order and compare the amount held. 


This week in Literacy we have been adding a little sizzle to our writing with our ‘Sizzling Synonyms’.  


“Writers use precise and memorable words in their writing to make their writing interesting.” “Interesting and precise words also help readers form clear images in their minds.”  


The students completed a lesson on sizzling synonyms as a way of choosing more precise words to enhance their writing. We always encourage the students to think about their word choice during our writing sessions. The students were asked to wrote a paragraph based on one of the following writing prompts.  



Once the students had completed their paragraph they were given their ‘Sizzling Synonyms’ booklet containing a variety of words to use as substitutes to enhance their writing. The students then had the chance to edit their paragraph using synonyms from their booklet to make their writing more interesting to the reader. 


We hope you enjoy reading some of the students writing.