Have a Great Holiday!

More running in the sun and less rain, please!

Flashback to Sport with Claire!

Remember when it didn't rain all day? Well we do! A bit...  And here are the photos to prove it!


Way back before the second flood, Claire, our sport's coach, came and tested the children's fitness levels. The tests involved jumping as high as you can, running and stretching. Here are some more photos to show the great job your children did!

Happy Holidays!

It's been a rough start to the year! Here's hoping we can all enjoy a happy, dry and safe holiday over the next couple of weeks. 

Remember to spend time with your children and treasure the time that you have with them. 

They are worth it!

Term Two

Week One

Monday 25th April - ANZAC Day (Public Holiday)

Tuesday, 26th April - School Development Day 

Wednesday, 27th April - Children return to school

Friday, 29th April - Terania District PSSA Cross Country Championships