Junior School News

Year 7 Fancy Dress
What a wonderful way to finish the first term for the year 7’s!! On Wednesday 6 April, the annual Fancy Dress competition was held during period four. Over the five weeks leading up to the competition, some of the year 12s taught each year 7 class a routine inspired by a decade. The students have been practicing several times a week and we have seen the brilliant connection formed between the year 12s and the year 7s as well as new friendships forming within the classes.
The competition was incredibly tough and every student did a terrific job.
We would like to thank Ms Matthews and Ms Dimu, the year 12 student managers for organising the event and all of the year 12 leaders.
We would like to congratulate all of the classes, in particular our top three.
1st place - 7G
2nd place - 7E
3rd place - 7C
Student Achievement
Congratulations to Caitlin Keele who received a Highly Commended in the youth creative writing category of Artz Blitz 2022.
Artz Blitz is an annual competition held by Kingston Arts. It is an all ages, all abilities 24-hour visual arts and creative writing competition. After the secret theme is announced, artists and writers have 24 hours to complete and submit their entry. The theme for 2022 was "Dreams", and Caitlin wrote a piece entitled "That Dream".
Tess Molina
Director of Junior School