Principal's message

Dear families
We are almost there! Only a few sleeps to go before the MGSC School Community can press pause and recharge their batteries over the holiday break.
There have been quite a few activities taking place at MGSC over the past couple of weeks. Top of the list was the Athletics Carnival which took place last Thursday. Whilst we were biting our nails worried that the clouds would darken and it would rain, we were delighted to have made it through the day without a drop. The attendance was excellent and the sea of colour from the House areas was terrific to see.
The year 7 and 12 Fancy Dress competition took place this week on Wednesday 6 April. This is always an exciting event for both of these year levels and does so much to create a bond between them.
I really enjoyed meeting the year 7 parents last week at the year 7 meet and greet. The PFA put on drinks and nibbles and this gave the parents an opportunity to meet their daughter’s classmates. It is great to parents on the school grounds again.
The Junior Music Showcase was a very special highlight as the students were performing not just practising. The turnout of parents was also very impressive and the quality of the performance for such young students, was excellent. I give my thanks to Tim Veevers, Wendy Harvey, Sarah-Louise Jacobs, Alex Mikhailova, Bland West, David Seedsman, Jennifer Stengards, Stuart Campbell, Barbara Kerr, Claire McGann and Peter Blick who prepared them so well for the event.
Whilst the students and staff are preparing for a well-deserved holiday break, there will still be activity happening at MGSC. The Library will be undergoing some modernisation that will see a new entrance in the foyer created and we will are making way for the Inclusion team, led by Cathy Grieves, to set up their office there. Welcome to Rebecca Shea who will be joining the team.
So, what is an Inclusion team and what do they do? The Disability Inclusion team will work with teachers and families to identify and support students who need educational adjustments to be made at a classroom level. They will liaise with the teachers of these students to ensure that the students learning experience takes into consideration their strengths as well as their needs. What better place to have the team, but in the Library.
I wish everyone the safest and happiest of holiday breaks and look forward to seeing everyone refreshed next Term.
Best wishes
Linda Brown