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VCE Art and Top Arts Excursion
On Wednesday 23 March, VCE Art classes went on their annual Top Arts Excursion to NGV Australia to develop our understanding of the art-making process and show us what a high scoring Art folio looks like.
An excursion we haven’t been able to do in person since 2019. We viewed the exhibitions at Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (ACCA) and NGV International, through which we further developed our knowledge of analytical frameworks, contemporary art and the variety of ways artists communicate ideas.
What we crammed into one day was honestly so impressive. At the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) Australia, everything was thrown at you, from the top VCE art folios to the absolutely stunning works they put on display! And then there were the exhibitions at the NGV International, which were enigmas in and of themselves, a seemingly endless row of artworks ranging from large-scale Indigenous paintings to minimalist sculptures that fought tooth and nail for your attention.
So much to see and so little time, we needed moved onto the next enigma!
The Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (ACCA) is the best place for up-and-coming artists, especially those interested in technology and design. Its emphasis on Art Nouveau only deepens the limits to what is considered art and why, helping us to see the beauty in something that would otherwise be barren or abnormal. Nothing is too bold, too this or that, it just is. That’s what we were confronted with that day, and now you, too.
Sneaking a look at their websites won’t be enough! I highly recommend you go see for yourselves, since there are so many things to say about it that won’t fit in 500 words or less. Seeing what people are capable of never ceases to amaze me, it was less of a demotivating force than an awe-inspiring experience that I would 100% recommend.
I’m sure plenty of students will be inspired, whether you study a creative subject or not.
This excursion has definitely carried through to our classes every week, in our folio work and our theory work. A must-see!
Rachel Reid (year 12)
Photographs by Maggie Gellatly (year 12) and Ms Lauren Caridi