
Positive Start free holiday camps
Positive Start is a Victorian government initiative offering free holiday camps to eligible families during each of the term school holidays in 2022.
Places are limited, so parents and carers should be encouraged to register their interest as soon as possible and to book as soon as bookings open to not miss out.
More information on free camp opportunities in 2022 as part of the Victorian Government’s Positive Start in 2022 initiative is available on the Positive Start 2022 webpage.
Students who meet one or more of the following criteria are eligible to attend a free holiday camp:
- attend a school that experienced closures of 5 days or more due to a positive COVID-19 case or close contact in 2021
- have an approved Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) application for 2022
- have a parent who holds a valid means-tested concession card (for example a Health Care Card, Job Seeker, Newstart Allowance, Disability Support Pension)
- are in out-of-home care (temporary or permanent)
- have a disability (students who have access to additional support through the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD))
- are from a refugee background
- are indigenous students
- are in the Navigator program.
Happy and safe holidays to all
Wellbeing Team