Looking for the perfect venue to publish your latest research and data?
- Have you recently organized a symposium or scientific meeting that would make an interesting supplement topic?
- Would you like to take the lead and guest edit a supplement on a particular topic?
Why Publish a Supplement?
- An OUP spot survey found 80% of HCPs agreed that peer-reviewed supplements are useful for their practice
- Supplement articles are some of most read and cited articles covering a wide range of important and timely topics
- Supplements are a very effective way for a session or project to showcase important research and findings by publishing a group of papers in a ‘one off’ special publication. Supplements are a paid-for, exclusive publication, for which a variety of different format/access options can be offered depending on a group’s budget and requirements
- From planning through to publication - OUP’s dedicated supplement will guide you through the supplement process.
The OUP Difference
- Exceptional professional editorial support throughout the publishing process
- High quality peer-review with rapid editorial decisions & timely publication
- Article-level metrics enabling you to monitor usage and engagement
Find out more in our case studies >
Please contact gemma.barker@oup.com for further information.