Sport News

Fun Run/House Cross Country

We couldn’t have ordered a better day for our House Cross Country/Fun Run. It was lovely to see the effort that every student put into wearing their house colours and made for very colourful races. We had some fabulous results and best performances. It was terrific hearing students being excited when comparing times and their number of laps run from their performances from last year knowing they had improved.

These events don’t run without the help of a lot of people, so a huge thank you to all staff and parents who helped to make this an enjoyable day for all students. Also a big thank you to Joe Lambert, an ex-student and Claire’s son, who came to help time at the Cross Country and did a brilliant job. As well to my wonderful House Captains, Lani, Sophie W, Luella and Harry who were at school early and helped to set everything up. 

I haven’t had time to work out the winning House yet, but that will be announced when we come back next term, as will the students who have made it into District Cross Country. District isn’t until May 17th so more time for training!

Thank you again everyone!

Open Rounders Grand Final

A huge congratulations to our Rounders team who played Serpell Primary today in the District Grand Final. Out of 7 schools in the District we have come Runners Up.  After being undefeated until the final match it was a great achievement in itself in that Serpell are a school of 1,200 students, but also that our boys ran their Cross Country first and then had to leave immediately after to go and compete! Thank you to Rick and Sally Marshall for transporting them.  

Great effort Izayah, Sam, Asher, Hunter, Harry, Tristan, Darcy, Nash and Charlie K! 


Lost Property

It’s that time of the year again that we have a lot of lost property that needs to be collected by the end of term please.

Also a lot of drink bottles that have been left behind after PE lessons.


Sally Freemantle

Physical Education/Sport Teacher